Wellness Coaching Services Explained by Light Being Wellness: What to Expect

Wellness Coaching Services Explained by Light Being Wellness: What to Expect

Are you looking to improve your health, boost your well-being, and make positive changes in your life without popping up pils?  Yes, it is possible. As science and technology are continuously experimenting on finding improved methods to improve the overall quality of life, wellness coaching services have emerged as a beacon of hope to these scientists in finding lasting relief. …

Sol Wellness

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Green Flash Sunrise 10/17/22

Green Flash Sunrise 10/17/22

Green Awakening! This event occurred just as portrayed in this tiktok… I had been extremely depressed for about 2 weeks following the previous Full Moon. I did not offer a sound healing transmission either. The hours before the sunrise on what is considered October 17, I slept on the couch in the living room, which faces the East. At around…

Solar Saturn Opposition + Pluto Return

Solar Saturn Opposition + Pluto Return

On August 14, our Sun went conjunct with Saturn. This celestial event took place at the same time as a personal meltdown experience. I only happened to notice it tonight. When I read the description of the alignment, I understood that what had transpired was a reaction to a celestial event, which intensified my reaction to human events in my…

Frequency Friday Returns!

Frequency Friday Returns!

Frequency Friday Returns: this time we will be at LAX Energy Worx in Hazel Crest. 17100 Dixie HIghway.FRIDAY JULY ! Stop by for a mini tuneup or you can schedule a full session with consultation from KemeTones. You can purchase a jar of TeaChiya or Basti Blend Medicinal Salve or pick up a pair of Pinhole Glasses from Light Being…

Global Grieving at Third Quarter Moon

Uben Nefer! Global Grieving is a concept I learned about from Gregg Braden. He described it as the vibration of the planetary discomfort that we all are feeling. That sensation of hopelessness & fear, that the world is heading in a direction that none of us really want. It is a vibration, a feeling, that silences us after Trauma, but…

Spring Schedule at Light Being Wellness Center

Spring Schedule at Light Being Wellness Center

Good Rising and Great Awakenings! We’ve got some special events scheduled this month: TUNE IN! These events are live streamed. You can watch them live on tiktok or YouTube, and catch the replays at YouTube.com. The replays are also posted @tchiyaamet telegram broadcast.New Moons, Full Moons, Retrogrades: Cosmic Chimes and ChantingFirst Quarter Moons: Self Care Solfeggio Tune Ups featured Solfeggio…

US Pluto Return in Capricorn: 2-22-2022

US Pluto Return in Capricorn: 2-22-2022

One popular astrologer had the audacity to say that Obama signaled Change…HA! That the transit began in 2008.  Rather than focus on the date, because according to NASA and JPL, this transit occurs on March 1, 2023, We will focus on the transit and how we will experience or notice it. Even if the transit does not take place until…

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