Good Rising and Great Awakenings.
I am so pleased to announce that I have found the perfect location for Frequency Fridays from Light Being Wellness and AstMaataJi Temple!! My favorite spot on Planet Earth: PEBBLE BEACH!

The thing that is so amazing about this journey is that I have travelled around the world literally, looking for a place where I can I’ve and work the way I want to. I assumed it would be in Rio de Janeiro, at Playas Copacabana or Ipanema! Or in Mexico, right down the road from the Jaguar Temple at Palenque, or in Vera Cruz, San Andreas, Egipantla… Olmec Country. Wait till you see the waterfall at Egioantla!!! Perhaps offering Concerts on the Nile, in Kemet (Egypt) offering Cosmic Sound Healing outside the temple of Hetheru at Denderah! But the joke is on me: Alas, it is right here in Chicago, at Lake Michiigan!!!

Located at 49th and duSable Lake Shore Drive, betweenn the Northern Point at the 47th street bridge and the Southern Point at the 51st Street Bridge, you will find a slice of paradise waiting for you. This Beach is unfortunately targeted for destruction, so we must enjoy her as much as possible this Summer. MY friends and I are working diligently to protect Pebble Beach and Save Our Shoal. Here are a few resources:

This page however is all about HEALING!
Every Friday this Summer, except when I am out of town of course I will set up either at the Beach (entrance is near the Comfort Station) or the Southern Point, which will one day be the Edible garden Healing Garden and Wellness Pavilion. The Northern Point will be location of the Wildlife Sanctuary. The People of Pebble Beach have come up with our own plan, and we will be working with the Officials to see that our ideas are included in the design rather than the current design which will destroy Pebble Beach. But again, this page is just for the healing. I will add more photos soon just need to get this page going…

FREQUENCY FRIDAYS 12-4PM WITH KEMETONES COSMIC SOUND HEALING. OTHER HEALERS ARE INVITED TO JOIN IN. EVENTUALLY WE CAN BE THERE FOR WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS. There are infinite possibilities. Including Yoga Classes, Group Sound Healings, Meditation, special events, this is OUR spot!!! We can make history! My dream is to create a medicine Wheel Garden like the one I have back hime in California….There is plenty of room for vendors as well. I will be working on getting the necessary permits so that we can even have Live Music Events. The Southern Point will become known for the Spiritual & Healing Presence of Pebble Beach. thanks to the Shoal of Course.
If you would like to book a session instead of just walking in, just call or text m,e at 773-571-1591.
Light & Life
Yesterday was awesome. I learned the painful way nthatbit is best to swim as soon as you get there, because the weather can change drastically in 3 minutes! I was working on a client, and in the matter of a few moments, out went from hot and sunny to cold and misty. I stayed for angler 2 hours, however, it never got hot again. The fog ;iced, but the wind did not slow down and the waves were crazy. Other than that, it was a PERFECT FREQUENCY FRIDAY! However, if you are at the beach and cannot swim, it is not a perfect day at the beach! LOL!
Friday June 21, I will not be at the Bech because my daughter is going to be playing in NYC with her band, DRAMA! They are opening for Odessa at MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!!! So I will be back at Pebble beach for Frequency Friday on June 28, 2024 from 12-4 or sunset. Until Then, Take a Jump in the Lake for Me! I do not expect to be swimming in natural clear waters while in New York, but then again, who could have imagined that I would be swimming in Lake Michigan….IN CHICAGO!!!
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