New Moon is ABUNDANCE at!

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at! Welcome to the Page of the New Moon at Here are all of the tools in my mystical collection of manifestation Not in any particular order of importance, just as they are flowing through me from the Goddess…. New Moon Meditation Music from Llewllyn The Goddess of the Moon at HeruScopes is Sesheta.…

Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn

Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn: Music and Celestial Wisdom from Tchiya Amet Prepare for Blood Red Moon Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn Wednesday September 23, 4:20 am et. actually, lasts three days total, so, Sept. 22,23, and 24 Why is this season also…

Full Moon in Ophiuchus 2015: Dua Sesheta Dua Imhotep

Welcome to HeruScopes forecast for Full Moon in Ophiuchus 2015: Dua Sesheta Dua Imhotep Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E. HeruScopes © incorporates Kemetic, Olmec, and Vedic (East Indian) Astrology Systems, and is based upon the TRUE Sidereal Motions of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations of the Zodiac, along the Ecliptic. HeruScopes © can sometimes include Asteroids, Comets, the…

Full Moon of Truth: HeruScope© for May 4, 2015

Full Moon of Truth: HeruScope© for May 4, 2015   Good Rising and Great Awakenings! UBEN NEFER, NEHAST!   I realize that most of you believe that the Moon is in Scorpio. In Reality, the Moon is in MAAT,  Libra. In fact, go outside tonight and look and see which constellation the Moon is in, and drop me an email,…

Super Moon, Super Spring Equinox Eclipse is UPON US!

  SUPER MOON, SUPER SPRING EQUINOX ECLIPSE IS UPON US! Yes, Indeed, it is now 1 am pdt, and I am starting this message, The Eclipse has begun. At least somewhere in the world, it can be seen and experienced on the physical level. Mostly over the Atlantic Ocean! Here on Turtle Island, it is only felt spiritually and internally.…

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