Haji Healing Salon

Haji Healing Salon

Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Third Sunday of each month, join us at Haji Healing Salon, 4448 S. Cottage Grove in Bronzeville, Chicago, Il. These spaces fill up fast, so book your session today. HeruScipes is heading in a different direction: away from being limited to time and space events, and towards using the stars movements for healing, instead of…

Global Grieving at Third Quarter Moon

Uben Nefer! Global Grieving is a concept I learned about from Gregg Braden. He described it as the vibration of the planetary discomfort that we all are feeling. That sensation of hopelessness & fear, that the world is heading in a direction that none of us really want. It is a vibration, a feeling, that silences us after Trauma, but…

Spring Schedule at Light Being Wellness Center

Spring Schedule at Light Being Wellness Center

Good Rising and Great Awakenings! We’ve got some special events scheduled this month: TUNE IN! These events are live streamed. You can watch them live on tiktok or YouTube, and catch the replays at YouTube.com. The replays are also posted @tchiyaamet telegram broadcast.New Moons, Full Moons, Retrogrades: Cosmic Chimes and ChantingFirst Quarter Moons: Self Care Solfeggio Tune Ups featured Solfeggio…

US Pluto Return in Capricorn: 2-22-2022

US Pluto Return in Capricorn: 2-22-2022

One popular astrologer had the audacity to say that Obama signaled Change…HA! That the transit began in 2008.  Rather than focus on the date, because according to NASA and JPL, this transit occurs on March 1, 2023, We will focus on the transit and how we will experience or notice it. Even if the transit does not take place until…

8 Planets plus Mercury Rx

Mercury Rx plus 8 other heavenly bodies. Tune in at 8:32 am for LIVEESTREAM Cosmic Chimes & Chanting. Adorations to Kemetic Neters corresponding with Cosmic Planetary Chimes for this season of Portal Openings ( Retrogrades) https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRWaSwQX/ mercuryretrograde #cosmic #chimes #chanting #chants #livein30min

Full Moon in Sidereal Sagittarius plus Watery Element Attunement

Great Awakenings. The Strawberry Full Moon occurs at 1:40 central this afternoon. Of course it appears full for three nights. Last night, tonight and tomorrow.⠀Place your crystals near a window or even outside so they can soak up the illumination.⠀Spend time in prayer & meditation. Connect with the Neters while listening to this Transmission, the Cosmic Chimes & Chanting Session:…

Summer Solstice Spiral Dance Medicine Wheel 2021

Summer Solstice Spiral Dance Medicine Wheel 2021

https://youtube.com/shorts/6AKCD-whuKA?feature=share Summer Solstice Spiral Dance Medicine Wheel Circle. Live Stream from Promontory Point. Sunrise Monday June 21, 2021⠀The Summer Solstice occurs Sunday night at 10:31pm cdt. I will aim to get there at on Monday 4:41am cdt, with the Dawn. Sunrise is at 5:14am cdt⠀If you are in the Chicago area, come join us. This is a continuation of the…

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