Great Summer Solstice 2014!

Good Rising! Just wanted to acknowledge the powerful alignment that is going on at this monet. Not only is this the time known as the Summer Solstice, it is also the time when the Sun moves into Sidereal Gemini. It is rare for these events to line up side really, even though it happens four times a year in the Western Astrology system.  The word solstice, means Sun Stops. From our position, it appears that the Sun stops for three days in its motion across the sky. The Sun rises in the same position for three days, then heads back in the opposite direction.


Vasilis Kanatas writes at

After a course of 37 days in Taurus, the Sun enters to Gemini on June 21 at 19:40 GMT. June 21 is also the Sun’s summer solstice, ie the day when the Sun reaches its maximum removal from the celestial equator. The Ancient Greeks called the solstice “Heliostasion” = Sun’s standstill or Stop, because the sun seemed motionless in Heaven for several days!
From an astrological point of view, therefore, is at least incongruous to have Solstice and sign transit on the same day. Stagnation and move on the same time! Therefore the path of the Sun in Gemini this year is marked by many contradictions and reversals.




This combined with the current Jupiter exaltation in Cancer, we are in for quite a ride this year.  Here are some of the highlights we can look forward to this year:

Jupiter is within the Sacred Hoop. The Great Cross, the River Mayu. The Sacred Hoop has 4 gifts:

  • the Power to Forgive the Unforgivable.
  • Healing
  • Hope
  • Unity


The Sacred Hoop brings Blessings and Healing, especially from Trauma. Brings Strength to the Community.

jupiter cancer

Benevolent Jupiter brings pure grace and providence during times of utter hopelessness. The gifts that jupiter brings last long:

  • Children
  • Knowledge
  • Growth of Consciousness


All of this positive energy is now focused in the area of Family. Welcome in the Gifts and Glories of Jupiter in Cancer: according to Baba Pillai. luck, money, reputation, the BEST. Both Jupiter and Saturn are exalted until November. Very practical, make wise investments and save money. you can read more here…..



Peace, Tchiya






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