Dagger in the Heart of the Mother Lioness: Leo Conjunction of Venus, Mars & Jupiter October 23-November 6 HeruScopes© report on HETHERU, SET, AND AMUN IN SEKHMET On Friday, October 23, I was awakened by a horrible sadness. Now I have had my bouts of depression before, but this was something different. It came, as if from nowhere. I tried…
Good Rising! Just wanted to acknowledge the powerful alignment that is going on at this monet. Not only is this the time known as the Summer Solstice, it is also the time when the Sun moves into Sidereal Gemini. It is rare for these events to line up side really, even though it happens four times a year in the…
Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Great Change is upon us! Favorable and Beneficial to ALL! Enjoy Lakota 4 Directions as you read… Wisdom Teachings from the four directions….. June 19: Jupiter makes the Transit into CANCER, where it is exalted and highly favorable. I for one am very happy about this transition, because although in the Western Astrology System,…
Wow. There’s a lot going on to say the least….. Well Right now is the Full Moon. I can see her coming up over the Redwood Trees on my street….. here is the scoop from EarthWord SkyWord StarSignPosts from Lyn Dalebout “Wed May 14 From the sidereal perspective (true galactic planetary alignments ~ you can read more on my…
Welcome to TODAY! What;s going on in the Stars the week before the New Moon? Well Yesterday November 19, according to Earth Sky Oracle, “And as Chiron heads back into forward motion from its retrograde, much of the therapy, healing work, creative initiatives you’ve been dreaming for the past 5 months will now start to really pay off.” EarthSkyOracle This…