Summer Update from Light Being Wellness

Summer Update from Light Being Wellness
Welcome to the Summer Solstice Spiral Dance Medicine Wheel Ceremony. Offerings of Sound from Traditions of Indigenous Peoples of the Four Directions. The next point on the Wheel of Life will be August 1st, Mid-Summer. The Dog Days of Simmer when Sirius Rises. There will be Offerings for the New & Full Moons and other Celestial Events. However. the Spiral…
The Spring Eclipse: WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT ALFIE? Just have to begin with Dionne Warwick and her hit song written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. What a tune…..just now can I understand the lyrics! LOL!!! “Without True Love we just exist. Alfie. Until you find the love you’ve missed, YOU’RE NOTHING! Alfie. When you walk, let your…
[su_heading size=”26″ align=”left” margin=”30″]We Can Heal Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome with Sound: KemeTones[/su_heading] This is NOT an article about what is Post Traumatic Syndrome. Nor is this an article to convince you that it exists. If you do not think that racism exists, then this article is not for you either. For that kind of information, just do a…
[su_heading size=”37″ align=”left” margin=”30″]It’s Personal: Winter 2016 Planetary Alignment Part 2[/su_heading] Yes, this is the Personal Observation of the current alignment. Normally, I combine the two but this event is too big for just one post, at least from my perspective. This will contain a timeline of the event as it unfolded and revealed great truths to…
Feather of Maat is Here to Purify Our Lives: Sun in Sidereal Libra Day 3. Uben Nefer. Nehast. Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Welcome to the HeruScopes Forecast for November 1, 2015 I am sure that many of you believe that we are now in the last few days in the sign of Libra, with the Sun on the…
Hall of Maat This Hall of Maat is an Online Offering of My Devotion to the Goddess Maat. This Hall was constructed on November 2, the Second Day of the Ancestors, the Third Day of Maat in the Year 2015. Your presence here means that you are ready to have your heart touched by the Feather of Maat. Feel the…
Dagger in the Heart of the Mother Lioness: Leo Conjunction of Venus, Mars & Jupiter October 23-November 6 HeruScopes© report on HETHERU, SET, AND AMUN IN SEKHMET On Friday, October 23, I was awakened by a horrible sadness. Now I have had my bouts of depression before, but this was something different. It came, as if from nowhere. I tried…