Spring Schedule at Light Being Wellness Center

Spring Schedule at Light Being Wellness Center

Good Rising and Great Awakenings! We’ve got some special events scheduled this month: TUNE IN! These events are live streamed. You can watch them live on tiktok or YouTube, and catch the replays at YouTube.com. The replays are also posted @tchiyaamet telegram broadcast.New Moons, Full Moons, Retrogrades: Cosmic Chimes and ChantingFirst Quarter Moons: Self Care Solfeggio Tune Ups featured Solfeggio…

US Pluto Return in Capricorn: 2-22-2022

US Pluto Return in Capricorn: 2-22-2022

One popular astrologer had the audacity to say that Obama signaled Change…HA! That the transit began in 2008.  Rather than focus on the date, because according to NASA and JPL, this transit occurs on March 1, 2023, We will focus on the transit and how we will experience or notice it. Even if the transit does not take place until…

8 Planets plus Mercury Rx

Mercury Rx plus 8 other heavenly bodies. Tune in at 8:32 am for LIVEESTREAM Cosmic Chimes & Chanting. Adorations to Kemetic Neters corresponding with Cosmic Planetary Chimes for this season of Portal Openings ( Retrogrades) https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRWaSwQX/ mercuryretrograde #cosmic #chimes #chanting #chants #livein30min

The Spring Eclipse: WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT, ALFIE?

The Spring Eclipse: WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT ALFIE?   Just have to begin with Dionne Warwick and her hit song written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. What a tune…..just now can I understand the lyrics! LOL!!!   “Without True  Love we just exist. Alfie. Until you find the love you’ve missed, YOU’RE NOTHING!  Alfie. When you walk, let your…

Portal Of Djehuty Opening January 5-25, 2016

[su_heading size=”43″ margin=”30″]Portal Of Djehuty Opening January 5-25, 2016[/su_heading] Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Here are earlier entries on this subject, when I first began to see Mercury Retrograde as an OPENING rather than something to be feared or avoided… click links below….   New Strategy for Mercury Retrograde starting with June 7, 2014 (posted May 28, 2014) New Strategy for Mercury…

Winter “Ra Stops” Solstice 2015

Winter Solstice 2015 is tonight December 21 at around 10:48. pm cst.   This represents the longest night of the year, when the Sun appears to stop along its journey, stays in one spot for three days, then begins to ravel in the opposite direction. it is like a RESET button, a Grand and Majestic Alignment. Tonight, on the Winter…
