Ra KuUrKu: Sun in Sidereal Aquarius
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In addition to the transits during KuUrKu, I have the schedule fo the Sacred Hoop: Ancient African Adorations (Arm of the Milky Way: Sirius) and Ophiuchus: Cosmic Chimes and Chanting (Center of the Millky Way). All I can say is that this is a work in orogress.
Here is the schedule so far….
Dua Ra KuUrKu Heru : Sun in Sidereal Aquarius
February16 10:10am – March 12 12:37pm CT
Dua PiCheus Geb m Heru: Saturn in Sidereal Aquarius 2/16 at 5:31 am
Moves into Sidereal Pisces April 30, 2025
Next Sun and Saturn Conjunction is January 31, 2051!
Dua Djehuty m Hupeneius Geb:
Mercury in Sidereal Capricorn 8:22am CT
Moves into Sidereal Aquarius on March 1 at 8:22am CT
Mercury moves into Sidereal Pisces at 7:41am CT
Dua HetHeru m Picot Sahu NebtHet: Venus in Sidereal Pisces
moves into Sidereal Aries on March 15 at 7:53am CT
(after Sun moves onward to Pisces; they will be together for 3 days)
Dua PiMaere Amun m Picot Sahu: Jupiter in Sidereal Pisces
moves into Sidereal Aries on May 11 at 6:44pm CT
Venus and Jupiter are spectacular to see at this time.
Dua Imhotep m PiCot Sahu NebtHet: Chiron in Sidereal Pisces
Dua Juno Dua Vesta m PiCot Sahu NebtHet:
Juno and Vesta in Sidereal Pisces
Dua NebtHet m PiCot Sahu OR KuUrKu towards PiCot Sahu
Neptune in Sidereal Pisces, or Aquarius moving into Pisces, possibly Rx?
Dua Heru m Tamet Amun, Ruled by Set: Uranus in Sidereal Aries, Ruled by Mars
Dua Asar m PiMaere Asar Amun: Pluto in Sidereal Sagittarius
moves into Sidereal Capricorn on March 1 at 5:12am CT
Dua Aset m Aspolia: Ceres in Sidereal Virgo
Dua Net m PiMahi: Pallas Athena in Sidereal Gemini; actually says Canis Major, which is Sirius. Either way, this is inside of the Sacred Hoop.
Dua Sedna m Apis HetHeru: Sedna in Sidereal Taurus
2/15: Moon moves into PiMaere at 5:06am CT
2/16: Sun (10:10) and Saturn (5:31am CT) move into KuUrKu
2/17: Moon moves into Hepeneius at 11:23pm CT
2/19: Moon moves into KuUrKu at 7:19pm CT
2/21: Moon moves into PiCot Sahu at 9:56am CT
2/24: Moon moves into Tamet Amun at 12:33am CT
2/25: Moon moves into Apis at 9:44pm CT
2/28: Moon moves into PiMahi at 9:24pm CT
3/01: Mercury moves into KuUrKu at 8:22am CT
Pluto moves into Hupeneius at 5:12am CT
3/03: Moon moves into Khepera at 5:38pm CT
3/04: Moon moves into Sekhmet at 10:08pm CT
3/07: Moon moves into Aspolia at 9:11pm UT
3/11: Moon Moves into Maat at 9:07am CT
Sacred Hoop
2/01 and 2/28 Blue Moon! Dua Sesheta Dua Djehuty
3/26 Mars Dua Set
3/28 Moon
4/24 Moon
5/07 Venus Dua Hetheru
5/21 Moon6/18 Moon
6/21 Sun
6/22 Juno
6/26 Mercury
7/15 Moon
8/11 Moon
9/08 Moon
9/15 Vesta
10/05 Moon
2/14 Moon
3/13 Moon
4/09 Moon
5/07 Moon
6/03 & 6/30 Blue Moon!
7/28 Moon
8/24 Moon
9/20 Moon
10/18 Moon
11/14 Moon
11/15 Mercury
11/30 Sun
12/05 Mars
12/11 Moon
12/13 Ceres
Next update will highlight the Music and Sound Offerings Schedule of Events,
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The most important alignmenrts duringf this KuUrKu are:
1. Sun and Saturn in Sidereal Aquarius
2. Venus and Jupiter both in Pisces then move together into Aries
3. There are 6 planets in PiCot Sahu Sidereal Pisces.
Since the Sun and Saturn are conjunct for about one month, and will not happen this way again for 28 years, it feels pretty special to me. I am focusing my energies on planting seeds with my Creativity, then looking forward to seeing what blossoms in 28 years, like a magical time capsule. Creativity that results in Spiritual Victory. Discipline and structure that lead to Sovereignty and Liberation. Enlightenment. These are a few of the seeds that I am planting during this Ra KuUrKu Season: Sun in Sidereal Aquarius 2023.
Neptune/Pisces Energy, goddess NebtHet: Pouring out one’s heart and releasing emotions is spiritually cleansing. When we hold onto our emotions, they eventually turn into physical ailments. On the other hand, when we release our emotions and spin out of control, we can become like an emotional tsunami, causing damage and destruction everywhere we go…We can learn to release our emotions, express our feelings in ways that nurture and heal rather than destroy.
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These are a few of the celestial & wellness features that are covered in this session of Good Rising TV. HOTEP
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