The View of the Lakefront and the cirty from the Southern Point at Pebble beach. This is where I like to set up for now…or else, right on the Pebbles…

The View of the Lakefront and the cirty from the Southern Point at Pebble beach. This is where I like to set up for now…or else, right on the Pebbles…
Are you intrigued by the Smoke in the Air from fires that they say are taking place in Canada, however, when you talk with people that LIVE in Canada, they will tell you that there are no fires? Many people feel and know that the skies are filled with smoke, the skies are fillerd with ChemTrails, because they are trying…
Summer Update from Light Being Wellness
Frequency Friday Returns: this time we will be at LAX Energy Worx in Hazel Crest. 17100 Dixie HIghway.FRIDAY JULY ! Stop by for a mini tuneup or you can schedule a full session with consultation from KemeTones. You can purchase a jar of TeaChiya or Basti Blend Medicinal Salve or pick up a pair of Pinhole Glasses from Light Being…
Good Rising! Spring is in the Air. Here at KemeTones©, that means it is time for SPRING CLEANING!!! A thorough cleaning involves every area of your life: your space, your mind, your chakras, your body, your womb, your garden, even relationships. It is all about removing blocks and toxins, unwanted accumulation of energy. so that new things can grow.…
KemeTones Self Care Webinar Series Replays On this page, you can watch ALL the replays from the webinar series! INNER JOY! and Self Healing httpss:// httpss:// httpss:// httpss:// httpss:// httpss:// httpss:// httpss:// httpss:// httpss:// httpss:// httpss://
Welcome to KemeTones Offerings, Services and Packages! Now that you have taken the time to learn more about KemeTones, the time has come to decide what package is best for you! Of course, you can still choose to receive a Cosmic Sound Healing instead. Review these options here! KemeTones draws on the Culture of Kemet (Ancient African Egyptian)…