Winter Solstice 2015 is tonight December 21 at around 10:48. pm cst. This represents the longest night of the year, when the Sun appears to stop along its journey, stays in one spot for three days, then begins to ravel in the opposite direction. it is like a RESET button, a Grand and Majestic Alignment. Tonight, on the Winter…
Feather of Maat is Here to Purify Our Lives: Sun in Sidereal Libra Day 3. Uben Nefer. Nehast. Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Welcome to the HeruScopes Forecast for November 1, 2015 I am sure that many of you believe that we are now in the last few days in the sign of Libra, with the Sun on the…
Dagger in the Heart of the Mother Lioness: Leo Conjunction of Venus, Mars & Jupiter October 23-November 6 HeruScopes© report on HETHERU, SET, AND AMUN IN SEKHMET On Friday, October 23, I was awakened by a horrible sadness. Now I have had my bouts of depression before, but this was something different. It came, as if from nowhere. I tried…
Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn: Music and Celestial Wisdom from Tchiya Amet Prepare for Blood Red Moon Rising Up to Fall Equinox 2015: Falling for Autumn Wednesday September 23, 4:20 am et. actually, lasts three days total, so, Sept. 22,23, and 24 Why is this season also…
Promote Purity of Speech with this Kemetic Reggae Devotional Chant to the Goddess Day #29 of the FREE MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY!!! The ritual of uttering the names of the goddess promotes purity of the speech. This purity was known as maakheru in Ancient Egyptian terminology. Maakheru is the primary objective of every spiritual aspirant. The names may…
HeruScopes© Forecast for this powerful Ra Sesheta Set, April 19, 2015 Aries Sidereal New Moon This is actually the True SIDEREAL New Year. There are so many new years, but this is the one that is based on when the Sun is in Sidereal Aries, and the Moon moves into Sidereal Aries as well. In the Vedic Tradition, this happened…
For more information, check out the HeruScopes © 2014 Handbook and Resource Guide. November 6, 2014 Ra Maat: According to NASA, The Sun is in Maat (Sidereal LIbra) until November 23, when it moves into Ip (Scorpio) for 7 days, then into Imhotep (Ophiuchus) on November 30. Will stay there until right before the Winter Solstice…where did you think the…