Between Now and Eternity: Day #27 of the Music Give Away Speech by my one of my Heroes: Marcus Mosiah Garvey, put to music. Not sure what this rhythm is called. “Those that believe the race problem will be solved by higher education will walk between now and eternity and never see the problem solved.” Marcus Garvey HERE IS…
Grandchild of Slavery: Day #26 of the Give Away This song is here to encourage the YOUTH OF ALL AGES to continue to strive for Freedom and to continue to seek Justice. This posting gave me a bit of trouble because I was determined to have a video. well, here it is! and here is the song…
Fucked Up System: Day #25 of the 40 Day Free My Music Give Away Some of you may already know this song, but in light of what is going on in Baltimore, feels most appropriate. Looks like there are more incidents to add to this slide show, or else will include them in the video for “POLICE STATE” form…
Today is October 8, 2014. 30 years. Today there was an eclipse, during the Ra Aspolia Pi Cot Sahu (Full Moon and Portal of Djehuty (Sun in Sidereal Virgo, Moon in PIsces, Mercury Retrograde). Kinda intense when you really sit bak and take it all in. Tomorrow, Set (Mars, Ego) has an appointment with Master healer Imhotep (Mars enters…
Listen to my Sacred Darkness Chant!! Download Sacred Darkness free ringtone! In this blog, section, I will be writitng about the Divine Black LIght that is Love; that is the Sacred Darkness that gave birth to the Light of Day. I will also be posting articles from around the web…. Hetep! Comment by Universal Divine Being IsIs at Why Is There Such…
Good Rising! For those of you inquiring about classes and workshops, if you are on the East Coast, I have some great news for you! PLEASE NOTE DATE/TIME CHANGES!!! SUNDAY DECEMBER 1, 2013L DURHAM, NC 1pm-7pm EST AFTERNOON OF WELLNESS AT AMINIFU’S HOUSE email him for more information; aminifuh at MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2013 6:30 pm until 9:30 pm:…