Today is October 8, 2014. 30 years. Today there was an eclipse, during the Ra Aspolia Pi Cot Sahu (Full Moon and Portal of Djehuty (Sun in Sidereal Virgo, Moon in PIsces, Mercury Retrograde). Kinda intense when you really sit bak and take it all in. Tomorrow, Set (Mars, Ego) has an appointment with Master healer Imhotep (Mars enters Ophiuchus: tome for healing from sexual trauma, time for conquering lower nature, etc).
All this to say that this posting is in alignment with the Divine Natural Right Order. Although I know this is the right decision, it has been difficult to take action, because I know this monster is loved by so many of you. However, in order to maintain my own well being, peace of mind, sanity, longevity, positivity, peaceful relationships, health, happiness, self love and self trust, in order to elimnate blocks to my own abundance and prosperity, it has become impossible to keep silent anymore. I continue to wonder if he is still hurting women, children or men. It is also important for me to speak out NOW because it is important for ALL people that have been sexually violated in any way to stand up and speak out if we want this type of cruelty to cease.
Before I begin this chapter, here are the links to other relevant posts:
End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks….
End the Silence, End the Violence! The Blue Lotus Speaks: Chapter 2
Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections
The Blue Lotus Speaks: Reggae on the River 2014 Reflections UPDATE! (Chapter 3)
The Blue Lotus Speaks: ENDING THE SILENCE, ENDING THE VIOLENCE. Who’s Who of Violations (chapter 4)
The Blue Lotus Speaks Chapter 5: OBERLIN FUCKING COLLEGE!!!!
HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide 2014
HeruScopes © Celestial Update: Aspolia 2014 Full Moon and The Portal Of Djehuty
So what prompted this, besides the eclipse that I missed and other celestial alignments? First, I saw this video on Many Thanks for the conscious and positive messages they promote…..
Thank you The Third Pew!!!
I agree with everything this young man has said, and I pray that everyone that is reading this takes the time to view the video. If you think you do not have time, here is the transcript from, TRANSCRIPT:Show Transcript
and here are some highlights:
“Today I’m going to try to prepare you for how to react when more of this stuff comes out as time goes on. Number one, don’t accept their apology because everyone makes mistakes.”
“Most people know that rape is wrong without the help of their parents, but if anyone else is watching that are totally confused. Yes, rape is wrong. If you’re admitting to doing something this serious, don’t try partially justifying your actions at all. If you’re going to apologize, apologize. Say that what you did was completely wrong. Don’t try to make anyone feel sorry for you.”
“You don’t say forgive and forget in a situation like rape.”
“Number two, don’t blame the victim. “But she shouldn’t have gone to his house in the first place.” No. “If she didn’t want that to happen why did she…?” Nope! “This is what happens when you wear something like that.” What?”
“Number three, to the YouTubers, I don’t know how many times I’ve sat in front of a camera this year and talked about how much good you can do with your power. It should be common sense that you can change these people’s lives in a positive way rather than practically begging for naked pictures from fans who are as young as 13.”
“If I was a parent, I would be terrified to find out that my daughter, the people who she idolizes could not only be sexual abusers but could try to take advantage of her if she just goes to a meet-and-greet. This isn’t normal and as a community we cannot accept this as being the norm. ”
“As we move forward, please keep this conversation going and please remember that we should have zero tolerance for these kinds of people. And last but not the least, please remember that you do not have to defend someone to your death, just because they’re really cute, have a nice hair, or because their chubby-bunny challenge was really funny.”
Please keep these points in mind as you learn the rest of my story…..
then the very next video that games up, also on, this is when I knew it was time. My commentary will tell my story…..Today, I end the silence, and I end the violence in my life, and in the lives of all women and children, and all pure souls that are preyed upon by ignorance and unrighteousness. May all who speak out on behalf of MAAT be aware of their own powerful protection, and have no fear. As the line from Jahman in Countryman goes:”That is why there is no need to fear the wicked. Just lead them to face death, and they will perish.”
This is the video that came up next. This is the monster I have been protecting for 30 years. I no longer am afraid of the consequences of revealing this truth. Just think of me as Ammit: the Goddess that devours the hearts of the unrighteous at the Scale of Maat! I am leading hi to face death…. the death of his deception and illusion.
Go to
Here is the video. Then read my comments below…
Watch Neil deGrasse Tyson Give A Killer Answer To The Question Parents Ask Him All The Time at
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Want Scientifically Literate Children? Get Out of Their Way. on

What would you say to my parents if I had told them when it had happened that you had slipped me a mickey and that you raped me while I was unconscious? What would you say to them now if they were still alive? What will you say to your wife, the woman that was on the phone as you handed me the water to drink, in a cup made out of account shell? Do you have any idea how your act of violence affected my life, the lives of my parents, my ex-husband, my daughters, and anyone and veryone that has anything to do with me?
What would you say to your own daughter, if one day she told you that her close friend, who she once loved as her a brother, mentor and friend had slipped her a mickey and raped her?
Don’t you mean COWARD? A Self Hating Coward?
The ONLY way you could EVER be with a Black Goddess, a true Celestial Being, not just one that talks about them, would be by DRUGGING HER, THEN DRAGGING HER TO YOUR BEDROOM, WHILE FULLY UNCONSCIOUS, TAKING OFF HER CLOTHES, AND THEN, WHO KNOWS WHAT WITH HER, OR FOR HOW LONG, WHEN SHE AWAKENS, UNABLE TO MOVE, YOU CONTINUE YOUR DEMONIC ACTS. Is this what you mean by curiosity?
I only recall being at the astronomy department the next day. I do not know how long I was in his apartment. I have no idea how I got back to my apartment. I do not even remember waking up the next day. All I remember is seeing him in the hallway at the astronomy department at UT Austin, and I asked him, “Why did this happen?” He responded, “We are in this alone, and we are in this together”.
By forcing your way into MY flower, you completely and totaled disrupted my life, the lives hoes and dreams of my parents and the people that loved and cared about me. YOU disrupted the lives of MY daughters, one of which to this day has not spoken to me in 4 years because she cannot forgive me for living with UNDIAGNOSED PTSD FOR HER ENTIRE LIFE.
Your curiosity caused a great deal of disorder in my life and in the lives of my loved ones. Much like a terrorist attack.
“don’t pluck the petals off the flowers? don;t play with the egg?” that is strange, that is exactly what you did. Is this why you have become the monster that you are? is this your parents fault, because they did not teach you about respect, discipline, righteousness? How can a m,an that claims to be so intelligent be so ignorant? The Cherokee way: TAKE ONLY WHAT IS GIVEN TO YOU. You obviously believe in the American way: TAKE WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE. TAKE WHATEVER YOU WANT THAT BELONGS TO ANOTHER, DISRESPECT WOMEN AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY. RAPE THEM WHENEVER YOU GET THE OPPORTUNITY.
help them explore with binoculars, what are you also a peeping tom?
1:45, yep, you confirmed that question, “First thought is to look in people’s windows.”
You getting the picture now? In case you missed it, I was a grad student in Astronomy at UT Austin, the sam time that Mr Tyson was there. I was studying Galactic Astronomy with the de Vaucoleurs. My dream was to become the first Black Female Astronaut. I was like 15 years ahead of Emma Mae Jamison. I wen to his apartment to visit like I did almost everyday. He was like my big brother, or so I thought. He offered me a glass of water. I accepted a liquid in a cup made out of a coconut shell. I recall coming back to consciousness briefly, then next thing I remember is seeing him in the hallway the next day. I have lived in this nightmare for 30 years, and it stops today.
I know this will be difficult for many of you to believe, understand or to know. However, know that this is the truth. Those who know me well can attest to the fact that I lived with undiagnosed PTSD of rat least 25 years.
Neil De Grasse Tyson: Sexiest Astrophysicist,,20132902,00.html
As a teenager at New York City’s prestigious Bronx High School of Science, Neil de Grasse Tyson had a surefire strategy for romancing girls: He’d grab his telescope, bring his date to the roof of the nearby apartment building where he lived with his family and promise her the stars. “Rooftops are ideal for exploring both kinds of heavenly bodies,” says Tyson, 42, who later went on to perfect his technique at Harvard. He has since expanded his orbit to include Manhattan’s Hayden Planetarium, where he’s been director since 1995, and Princeton, where he’s a visiting professor of astrophysics. As passionate about earthly pleasures as those celestial, the 6’2″ Tyson indulges his love of wine and gourmet cooking while succumbing to the gravitational pull of his wife of 12 years, mathematical physics Ph.D. Alice Young, 44, who is expecting their second child next month. Oh, sure, says Young, Tyson tried the ol’ stargazing trick on her too. But the rooftop Romeo had met his match. “I’d already taken astrophysics,” she says, “so it wasn’t exotic for me.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson Is Happy to Be a Nerd Sex Symbol 2009
Washington D.C. – February 28, 2014
Memorandum — Establishing a White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault
NOT ALONE: The First Report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault
Sexual violence is more than just a crime against individuals. It threatens our families, it threatens our communities; ultimately, it threatens the entire country. It tears apart the fabric of our communities. And that’s why we’re here today — because we have the power to do something about it as a government, as a nation. We have the capacity to stop sexual assault, support those who have survived it, and bring perpetrators to justice.
President Barack Obama, January 22, 2014
(Hey I just thought of another synchronicity: President Obama and I are born one day apart: he is August 4, 1961 and I am August 5, 1961. What a difference a day makes…..)
Freedom from sexual assault is a basic human right… a nation’s decency is in large part measured by how it responds to violence against women… our daughters, our sisters, our wives, our mothers, our grandmothers have every single right to expect to be free from violence and sexual abuse.
Vice President Joe Biden, January 22, 2014
Neil Degrasse Tyson on being Black, and Women in Science
He talks about obstacles to reaching his goal of astrophysicist. Did anyone slip him a mickey? Perhaps this was his way of eliminating the competition….what a scam YOU are Mr. Tyson. Equal Opportunity? Have you just conveniently forgotten that sexual assault is rampant on college and university camases, worldwide. How does it feel to know that YOU are the reason there is one less vblack female galactic astronomer on this planet? Yes, YOU. How many freshman students did you give A’s to when they were failing? Were they really failing, or was that just an easy way to get free blow jobs?
This is photo of his apartment, the location of the incident…..
please share this widely, and leave your comments below.
May the Righteousness of Maat Be Restored Upon the Earth. HOTEP. Peace
Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.
Akelah Atumeril,
Absolutely courageous and healing . Thank you for demonstrations of pure True self LOVE which is the only real protection .Speaking up loud about this man is a powerful personal AND collective universal HEALING.Its time for people to stop praising dangerous people with disgusting behavior .THANK YOU for loving your self and all of creation by not allowing this to be hidden. I will spread this with you and speak loudly and be of support in this way if you need .I know what it feels like to be sexually assaulted raped and then told I shouldn’t have dressed a certain way or something crazy like that .None of that is an excuse for that man to ignore my saying no to him over and over again ! I hear you Amet El Maat and your speaking out is a sound healing frequency for the EARTH !
Thank you so very much for your loving support. Yes, please share this message far and wide…. Peace
Tchiya…I want to give you the biggest hug I have given to date right this moment. What happened to you is unspeakably vile, and this man should have been taught the monstrous error of his ways long ago, not celebrated like some kind of holiday. I am so proud of you for speaking up about your heartbreaking experience, for yourself, and for all the other women who allow the silence that makes their violators into victors. Much love to you, and I wish a powerful peace your way. You are such a beautiful, brilliant human being.
Hontas Farmer (@Hontas_Farmer),
First of all let me say I know how it feels to have been raped. How disempowering it is. I am like you a person of color. Unlike you I am transgender. In high school I was in PE class and forced to use the mens locker rooms. I would avoid being in them at the same time as the boys or dress and undress in a bathroom stall. One time I was about 15 minutes late and did not know where in the sports complex my class was so I went to look for them. I heard the sound of basketball being played in one of the side gyms, no one else was in that part of the building so I went there to look.
I saw my rapist playing skins in a shirts vs skins game. As I am attracted to men and he was a very fit upperclassman I admit I may have looked at him with some attraction but that does not excuse what happend.
He took one look at me, having been on and off hormones I had developed like a girl up to that point… all he saw was a body he wanted to take. Before I knew what happened I was bent over in front of about 3-4 other guys. I begged him not to, even offered to give him oral rather than fuck my ass. He said. “no uh uh… I’m getting this”. Then he spent what had to be the next 30-45 minutes raping me. All I could think was well isn’t this what you wanted? You wanted to be treated like a girl, you wanted to develop like a girl, this is what happens. I completely blamed
myself and did not tell authorities until a couple years latter.
That guy did not go down for raping me but he did go down for various drug offenses and got seven years in prison.
I urge you to take your accusations to civil court.
Even if it was 30 years ago, there are ways around statues of limitations for smart lawyers. They are not laws of physics or edicts from God. IF Dr. Tyson were to sue you in court for defamation that could open the door to a counter claim by you and a chance to present evidence and get real justice. Without that all this will be treated as is an unfounded accusation.
I am not saying I don’t believe this could’ve happened. What I am saying, as someone who also knows what it is like to be falsely accused of wrong doing, as so many black people have been, is that the court system is necessary before NDT should be generally condemned as a rapist.
I hope this leads to a chance for real justice to be done in this case, whatever shape that real justice may take
Greetings. It is difficult to read of another person’s sufferings, and yet it is so liberating to express oneself. It is hard to even know what to say. Saying I am sorry that happened to you almost feels comical. However, I am very sad to read of what happened to you. I do not know what justice looks like in a world where everything is upside down. My journey is not about going to the very same system that benefits from these atrocities. I am expressing myself for healing, to express truth, to help and warn others that may come into his path. It has been most helpful to take the actions and steps that I was unable to go through 30 years ago. I would like to be able to help others go through the same journey. My goal is to serve the Divine, #EndTheSilence, end the violence. My goal is to lighten this burden. I do not expect a coward to hold himself accountable. He is just one of thousands of people that thrive on violating others. Even the people that I thought would support me have chosen to remain silent. Disappointed, yet not surprised.
Supreme Peace, and many thanks for your support.
Craven Moorecock,
are you craving more cock? you will not find that around here. I have no reason to lie. Thanks for reading about my experience with your hero. Is that what he is for you, moorecock? Peace
You have several reasons to lie. Ad revenue on your blog. Fame. Celebrity. Being a part of a movement. Feeling special. Gaining sympathy. Getting attention. I know that Neal isn’t infallible, but people who lie about this horribleness make it worse for actual victims. Oh and I was actually raped three times in my life. Once, I got micked and woke up and couldn’t remember anything. The last thing I would want is to watch a random video of my rapist or put it on a blog. And I at least remember that I was raped in February of 2014. You don’t even have the specified year. (Neal wasn’t at UT Austin in 1984 by the way). This is complete B.S.
He was def there in 1984. It has been difficult seeing him on tv in media, so much. Triggered often with no way to heal due to silence. Perhaps if I never saw him again would be different. Or knowing that he could hurt others. I have many reasons for posting the blog. Why are you so angry at me isa good question. How does sharing my experience affect you? Why?
I specified 1984. No matter how angry you are, I choose to stop being silent.
Consider the reasons he had to slip me a mickie? To silence me? To eliminate the competition? I have several other projects and ventures going on, I do not need to lie to get publicity. I am a healer, that needed to heal herself. I have taken steps to heal and now can help other survivors that remain silent for decades. This is very powerful. You are taking it personal that I chose to heal and grow past the anger. That is your problem, not mine!
Neil was there when I went for my interview in 1983. He was still there when I dropped out in 1985. You are looking at college records perhaps. Look at GRAD SCHOOL ASTRONOMY DEPARTMENT.
“From top: Tyson in the American Museum of Natural History (Gabrielle Revere); at age 13; at age 4; with friends at Town Lake in 1980; on the UT dance team, 1985 (courtesy Neil deGrasse Tyson); on the set of The Colbert Report (courtesy Jennifer Sims).”
No. He got his masters from the University of Texas in 1983, and he was still there in 1985. He was there in 1984.
Thank you for speaking. I just recently learned of this. Many hugs, if you want them.
Thank you listening and for caring. yes, virtual hugs gladly accepted, and returned! Peace.
Bill Cosby,
I wonder if you would be so ghandi-like now if you didnt’ drink from that coconut back in the day..everything happens for a reason Yo
Thank you. That is a very good point. However, I would have preferred to be given a plain glass of water. That is what I was offered. I mean, that is like saying we are grateful for slavery because such great music came from it? Imagine the music that would have been created without slavery? I am striving to be grateful for that day, seeking the gift in the adversity. What I have is a failed marriage and one daughter that hates me because I had ptsd while she was growing up. It is different living the life of a yogi than the life of an astronaut, which was my original plan. Most important thing is that I am still alive and did not take my life years ago. Maybe one day, I will be grateful for that too. Peace
Le misc army has arrived, m’lady looking for a alpha male? 😉 pm me… ;))))
no thanks. only interested in relationship with the Divine Self. No longer trusting human beings, only the Divine. Thank you anyway. Peace.
There’s nothing courageous and healing about “waiting” decades to publicly discuss rape on the internet simply to gain attention and defame a celebrity. If you truly were assaulted by this man, you have so many alternative options towards reporting it to those who have the power to do something or even to take your own words and “heal”.
The bottom line is that I am starting to get really sick and tired of reading all these “rape” stories that happened years and years after the fact. The only thing a person would want out of pandering their “sky is falling” allegations is to profit off of someone who later became famous.
If you were raped by Neil, then something not only should’ve, but could have been done many, many years earlier. Stop capitalizing on his presence in the public eye to win fame, attention, and money. If you truly are a victim of something as awful and heinous as rape, then the last thing you should ever want would be to cause someone else (even the person who wronged you) even more pain.
I agree with justice and retribution, but let’s face it…that’s not at all what this article is about. The bullshit internet “women empowerment” ideology needs to screw its head back on because it’s gone off the deep end.
you are sick of hearing about rape? I am sick of/from being raped. The only thing we have in common is sickness. Trying to explain why it took so long for me to come forward is like trying to describe being a mother to someone that has not had any children. It is not my job or purpose to make you understand. If you are tired of hearing about rape, then you were born in the wrong lifetime on the wrong planet. The entire society needs to be rid of #RapeCulture. You act like this was my fault, or even my doing. You are more concerned about NDT being hurt, or his reputation, than you are about all the destruction his cowardly act has had on my life and the lives of my daughters, their dad, my parents, and all of the people I could not help because I was not totally present in the moment. Enjoy your fantasy. Peace
THats not exactly what he said.. He said coming forth years later.. and not protecting others from same harm.. once he became famous on the level he is and for what he is.. It became void to an extent.. when u decided to keep it secret, you kind of had to remain only cause your not helping now
I’m really sorry you have to deal with this idiot, Ms. Tchiya. Please know that there are many people here for you and that love and support you. I am one of them. I wish you nothing but the best.
I couldn’t have put it in better words. I think tchiya needs to get off the pcp, and gain exposure by honest means, not by throwing allegations about someone with actual success and ride the”celebrity by being a victim” train.
How dare you!? Oh tough, you’re sick of “hearing” about rape. Well women are sick and tired of being raped, you asshole.
He said he was sick about hearing about false rape accusations essentially. Us actual rape victims have a hard time talking about it.
So now I am not an actual victim? It only took 30 years to open up. Not victim, survivor.
Social Dissonance,
Reblogged this on socialdissonance.
Marty Nezich,
Your place is valueble for me. Thanks!…
Thank you for stopping by.
Love to you, thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you for reading and for caring. Peace
You are obviously related. I can tell by the level of ignorance. Just for the record, he only claims to be Black when it increases $$$$.
Doesn’t matter,
Neil is ignorant, yet you believe you are a magical healer and you’re charging hundreds of dollars for fake medicine on your website? Stop calling yourself a healer you sound hilarious to those of us with brains.
Good Rising. How can you call it fake if you have not experienced? Why does it upset you that I practice sound healing? I am not the only person that uses Acutonics tuning forks. People that only use their brains are indeed ignorant of the Divine that lives within us all. People that rely on their brains for everything are incapable of relating to sound healing. And I rarely have to interact with them, except for when this subject arises. Only when you are open to expanding consciousness will you stop spewing out negativity that hurts you more than your intended target.
As for charging the hundreds of dollars, I also offer discounted prices at community events. In fact, I offer hundreds of free demonstrations each month at wellness events across the city during festival
Season. One hundred dollars/hour is the basic price for this type of healing, so you are actually expressing anger at natural healers all over the world, not just me. Not to mention all of the free self care videos that I produce that are available online for free! People are lining up, waiting for me to open up live certification and initiation classes again, So you see, you are highly and deeply mistaken. Thank you for sharing your opinion.
You’re absolutely trash! None of what you said gives anyone a pass to commit assault. Fuck You! He brought himself down by being a rapist piece of shit! Fuck You and Fuck anyone who thinks like you! And you have the nerve to say her getting raped is “cool”? Go drink bleach!
Joann Randolph,
Thank you for your truth. I BELIEVE you and do hope you will be able to repair your relationship with your daughter. I am a daughter of a rape victim and didn’t understand why I would get a beating for every little thing. Years passed and my mom told me she was raped at gunpoint. A freshman in college, just won the title of Ms. Alcon College and still a virgin. I wanted to help my mother confront that person 40 years later. From the rape a child was born. My brother had problems knowing he was born out of rape and not out of love has caused low self esteem and believeing he’s not worthy of love. I know how being a victim of rape affects EVERYONE around. My mom says her rapist destroyed the woman she was going to be. I’m very proud of you for coming forward. Who give a damn whether he’s powerful, black, success? The fact is he is a RAPIST. I will pass this on to everyone I know. All the best!!!
Thankful for your understanding comments. People ask what I want out of this: PEACE. JUSTICE. Self Love. Trust in Universe. Not too much! Lol!
gush gosh,
In other news:
“Petter Popof says he was raped by marrie currie and expects us to believe him. Only sucker gullible enough to buy his miracle water believe him, but on the good side they deserve to die of cancer due to the lack of treatment.”
This comment was approved to show an example of how some people react when their hero has been exposed to be less than their fantasy man.
Thanks for sharing your story! It takes a lot of strength.
Part of healing journey: to do the things I could not do 30 years ago
I believe you. Thank you for sharing your story.
1560 qtyp,
Do you, really? What convinced you? I’m genuinely curious.
Thank you for sharing and sending lots of love your way. I believe you and want to help hold him accountable to you. What would that look like to you?
That is a very good question. When I wrote the post, I was still so very angry. My answer has changed since 2014. Have done some healing. I will revisit this question. Thank you for asking.
1560 qtyp,
Listen, ma’am. I’m not a fanboy of Tyson, so this is coming from the heart.
Almost every highly influential woman in my life–almost every female for whom I owe an impossible debt of gratitude–was molested or raped. Almost every single one. Their stories should be heard. Their stories should matter. They do not need to be silenced out of shame. My white-hot hatred for the boys and men who stole their innocence is too consuming to endure.
And then there are people like you. People who would spend paragraph after ad-soaked paragraph doing everything except giving more than scant details of how it happened. How it even started. Why he was even alone with you to begin with. None of the facts add up. But that doesn’t anger me. What angers me is the fact that you KNOW they don’t add up. You KNOW it’s a tenuous, poorly sketched out narrative. And you KNOW that, while people are distracted by all this, there are countless women scared to come forward because they will be lumped into the same category as you.
And you’re happy with it.
You amaze me. People like you will always amaze me.
I have stated the details several times. How you missed I do not know. Here goes: I was a grad student. He was like a big brother to me. Our apartments were in same complex. We visited daily after classes. One day he offered me a glass of water. I accepted. I woke up briefly nakrd on his bef in his room with his tongue inside my vagina. When he saw I had awakened, he mounted and forced his penis into my vagina. I passed out. Next day saw him at Astro dept. I asked him how and why this happened. He said “ it is because we are in this alone and we are in this together” then walked off.
Why are you so angry with me? Poorly sketched out narrative was for my own healing not to impress you. If and when a professional journalist writes about the case, you will feel better. What matters is that I feel better now that the fear is gone. Enjoy your life.
I’m sorry for the vile people who are showing up here. Just to let you know, what that commenter tried is another silencing tactic – “I believe others but I don’t believe you.” The reality is that they don’t believe anyone, they’re only trying to cause harm and sow doubt by drawing you into a discussion that will never end. Thank you again for sharing your story. (You don’t have to make this comment public if you don’t want to, I just wanted to let you know the kind of tactics these people use.)
Thank you very much. I realize conversations with negative people on this topic leads nowhere. Yet, I still find myself engaged in conversations with them for a few moments because I don’t want to be judgemental or only approve posts that support my expressions. Nevertheless, sometimes they can be quite amusing in their ignorant, uncompassionate behavior! Lol! Thanks again fir your support. Oneness
A lot of ignorant comments from people who don’t seem to realise this post is from 2014.
I believe you, and I hope you find the healing you need. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for your kindness and support. I am learning how to have compassion for ignorant people. It ain’t always easy tho!
Quinton Effin Beaudry,
I’m not a big fan that you waited so long, but I get that you could be embarrassed, but you and he should face the same scrutiny within due process and under oath. I have no opinion on the matter, you don’t really offer much in the way of evidence, but, if he is guilty, and even tho I highly respect him, I want to see him get what is coming to him, or, if you fabricated this, I want to see them same, justice needs to be served.
I’m sorry I can’t be more supportive, but judicial due process must rule the day, he is innocent until proven otherwise in the court of law, and this is a big thing, we can just have accusations flying around destroying people’s lives from people who could have ill intent, be it fame, money, or revenge..
However, with all that said, I want you to know that I feel for you if this is legitimate, and only you and him would know, so, if you’re legitimate, just know I hope you the best moving forward. And in your heart you know I’m just trying to be fair to both parties in this, ’cause I couldn’t possibly know either way, and too many allegations are going around, and women can’t always be trusted, no one can be, I just have to take it at face value, and so far there is nothing but your accusation, and no litigation behind it.
But Like I said, I truly hope you the best moving forward, and I certainly care about people in your position, and the justice that should be afforded to you, and the support so you can deal with this and move on. Life is one of those things, you have to do something about it, or move on, and I hope that you do something about it, because other people could be a victim to him if you do nothing, even more so with more allegations just coming to light recently. I’m not telling you to just get over it for other people, him, me, or the public, I’m saying for you, but if you’re going t make these allegations, you need to follow through, and the burden of proof is ultimately on you
Anyways, I wish you the best Tchiya, in health in both body and mind moving forward.
Take care.
I no longer seek justice in a world of corruption. I am speaking out for the healing of all those affected by the actions of this individual, including myself, one that is worshipped by the religion of science, and also for the safety of all those that must come into contact with him. The system always rules in favor of their own, unless it is time for a sacrifice to be made. I already did something about it. I came forward. What else do you have in mind? Let’s hope that this never happens to you, because that is the only way you would know why it takes some of us 30 years to come forward/ I AM NOT LOOKING FOR FANS. I am not trying to GET anything, except healing, to regain the power that was stolen from me. I would like to have a reconciliation with my daughter. There is nothing the justice system can do for me., so why would I waste time going through that system? People did not listen to me until 2 white women spoke up, and they were not raped. So, you can keep your support, because it is not authentic. PEACE BE WITH YOU, knowing that you only supported a survivor halfway. why even bother to write????? TRUTH IS BEING REVEALED, YET SOME CHOOSE TO CLOSE THEIR EYES AS IT IS OPENING…..
If this turns out to be true, what do you think should happen to him? The guy is married and has children. He’s also an inspiration to many and has brought a lot of young minds to science. He champions logic and facts and is an all-round pretty decent guy. The problem with outing men for their past misdeeds is that people end up vilifying them forever. It doesn’t matter if they’ve done great things since. They’ll lose their job, reputation, family… everything. No amount of apologizing will change what people think of them. Is it possible for someone to redeem themselves after committing a crime? Or are they forever considered a bad seed?
Only problem is that he is still doing exhibiting this behavior. I am not responsible for what happens when I express my truth. What about all the pain, sadness, loss, anguish that myself and others have experienced. Perhaps if we had not been so afraid and confused, we would have spoken up sooner and he would not be where he is today. Should we just sit by and continue to watch him gain more accolades as a decepticon? Where would I be if this did not happen? I am not seeking justice from a corrupt sick system. I am seeking healing. I do not know what should happen to him. Shouldn’t you be asking what will happen to us for speaking out? How has my life been affected? He cheated on his wife. He has daughters snd yet treats women this way. He dies not deserve all that he has because it is built on a lie that caused others to suffer. My family suffered. Not just me. Yes, I believe in Karma, and I also believe in ending the silence about rape and sexual assault and sexual harassment. That is also my karma.
You’re right. If this is your truth, you should feel free to express it. Of course, to everyone else it’s just allegations. We simply have no concrete evidence. Nevertheless, there’s a part of me that actually believes you. Especially when taking into account the statements from the other women.
It’s a shame you dropped you out of grad school. Whatever happens, I genuinely hope you get the healing you’re looking for.
Thank you. Honestly, I do not know what comes next. My focus was on finding others that had similar encounters. I have stopped seeking justice in world of corruption. For years, I was afraid of him finding out that I told anyone. That is done. I am definitely moving onward. Still going to therapy however. Would like reconciliation with oldest daughter. She was traumatized as well. She has not spoken to me in 8 years. Perhaps this experience will inspire other survivors to speak out sooner.
Brought young minds to science: science is a religion and he is a missionary. He should be treated like other missionaries, Like the Sentinelese Tribe treated their missionary. Science community and church are filled with decepticons like Tyson. Why should any of them be protected while survivors are left to figure stuff out on our own??? What if this happened to your daughter or wife? Would you still protect the good ole boys club? I was in Science too and all they do is try to explain things without acknowledging God, Energy, Spirituality, Women, Black Ancestors, Black Originators and Inventors. Black Ancient Egypt. Why try so hard to be accepted by those that want to see you destroyed? Tyson is an agent, not a scientist. In my opinion
Art Davis,
All my life every time I ran last the word conscience I wondered why it was spelled that way. Recently I looked up the etymology of the word.
con is a version of com and they mean with.
science originally meant God.
conscience meant with God.
science became knowledge after it was cut out of conscience. This indicated mankind’s foolish belief that they were God.
The root word for science turned in to meaning to cut, or split, or divide.
Through these actions they could figure out how things worked and then they could adjust them. The original intent was to become God.
The real problem is there is not one but many sciences because of the complexity of the world and life and everything else. Man can never have total knowledge it is an impossibility. Every question answered creates even more questions. No one has total knowledge of any one science completely. Only God knows the complete truth and has total knowledge. If any human had they would be a demigod but there are only demigogs. Science, Academia, Medicine, Politics, Governments and Religion all have dogma! Dogma in the real sense of the word means they believe they are God. dogma reversed is amgod signifying that they are liars, deceivers, and covenant breakers. Warlock is a word that signifies that same idea. War means covenant or truth and lock means breaker or consealer. Warlock means covenant breaker or truth concealer.
The Phat Albert of Physics. Another phony like his TV idol Bill Cosby.
Thank you for sharing your story. I pray you have or that you will reunite with your daughter.
Thank you. That would be lovely
Ofelia Jazmin Guerra,
Thank you for your telling the dark truth, it is real and it is here. And please share the beauty you have within yourself and with your daughter and the world. I know I do not know you but I send love and peace. Be free
Thank you. Thankful for your support. I have learned to Let go of attachment to outcome.
I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you are surrounded by the love and support you deserve. ????????????❤️
Very thankful.
Khizar Saleem,
Thank you so much for telling your story. My thoughts and prayers are out to you.
Thank you for reading with open mind open heart
Mike h,
What did I just read? U cray.
I’m sorry for your continued trauma. I loved this man and learned so much from his programs. It’s also the ones everyone thinks are great men. You have inspired me to get additional help. It never goes away.
Goid Rising. Thank you for your support. No it doesn’t go away, but it hurts less snd hurts less often. It is the triggers we must pay attention to now. It was hard for me to stop”kitchen sinking”. But it is better now. No time or space for fear. Thank you for letting me know that you receive benefit from whatever it is that I do. Email me if you would like to stay connected. cosmic at
Matthew Dial,
I don’t want to come off as insensitive or dismisive by any means… but how can you so strongly state as fact and vehemently demonize him for something that you yourself admit that you cannot remember literally anything about beyond him giving you a glass of water?
I remember waking up naked on his bed. I remember his creepy face looking up at me after he had his way with my “Black Hole”. I remember him mounting and penetrating. I have said this several times. Thanks
Jimbo Slice,
No you never said that so stop making up the story as you go along. You said all I remember is seeing him in the hallway the next day btw that’s not how roofies work You don’t just suddenly gain control of your body again.
Not making up anything. Those are the details that I have stated from the beginning…. who made you an expert on drugging women before raping them?
Matthew Dial,
Sorry, but this very post contains potential contradictions. You state “WHEN SHE AWAKENS, UNABLE TO MOVE, YOU CONTINUE YOUR DEMONIC ACTS” But in the very next paragraph you state, “I only recall being at the astronomy department the next day. I do not know how long I was in his apartment. I have no idea how I got back to my apartment. I do not even remember waking up the next day. All I remember is seeing him in the hallway at the astronomy department at UT Austin…” My question is… did you always, from that very next day onward, remember waking up during the alleged attack? Or was it something that you pieced together years later?
I ALWAYS remember waking up in his bed for that brief moment. If you are naked and a man has his head in your vagina, but you never heard of oral sex before, it is difficult to describe what happened, but others can tell you exactly what happened. I relive that moment in my mind far too often.
It was in the afternoon because O had come over after class. Not a date. Not in my apartment. We never dated. Ever. I have stopped seeking justice in a world of corruption. I am merely stating my truth, seeking healing, not your acceptance, seeking nothing from you.
Matthew Dial,
Thank you for clearing that up for me. I just always approach things with a healthy dose of skepticism, and wanted some clarification on the events from your own words. It is unfortunate that so much time has passed… it always muddies the waters and complicates things. There will always be those to will jump to believe one side and attack the other, which in all honesty… rarely helps.
I have not interacted with NDT, but I appreciate him as a science educator. His (or your) personal life really has no bearing on me or mine, which makes it ultimately none of my business given that its highly unlikely that any of the claims can be substantiated. But I wish you well.
Dose of skepticism snd yet you accept western science as real, as truth, as legitimate. So you see dear one, your opinion matters very little to me as well. I am not seeking anything ftom anyone. Certainly not any male or anyone that supports Tyson and other predators simply because as a puppet of ignorance and unrighteousness, they appear to be successful on the mainstream media. And yet in their personal life they are empty. Your comment basically says that you font care what they are like in real life as long as what they tell you in the media makes sense! Lol!! Having a rapist as a spokesperson for an entire nation, as the face of science, as a major pawn in their deception, says alot about this so-called nation. Enjoy yourself as it all falls apart, the wall of illusion comes tumbling down…
You’re A lying whore and you know it.
Why would I lie about this? The only thing to be gained is wellness snd the peace that comes from speaking one’s truth. I hope that you find peace soon.
And attention… potentially money for exclusive interviews… a trip around the media circus for exposure… but yeah aside from every other motivator out there, sure.. ONLY wellness and peace… sure.
“I remember him mounting and penetrating” sounds like you were awake enough when this was happening to stop it, but did you try to stop it? Sounds like another girl who regrets her stupid decision. Drinks mickey. Forgets what happened. Remembers what happened. Regrets what happened. Blames everyone but themselves.
I could not move. I did not decide to drink a mickie. I accepted a glass of water. How can I blame myself for this incident? Why are you mad at me? Shouldn’t you be mad at Tyson?
Reality Check,
“I was studying Galactic Astronomy with the de Vaucoleurs. My dream was to become the first Black Female Astronaut.”
And you ended up peddling woo-woo, what a shame. That’s what happens when universities accept unqualified people as token minorities.
I’ve read your post over and over since I first learned of its existence about 2 years ago. I’ve told anyone who would listen your story. I’m glad that, and hope you find healing from, the story finally gaining attention. I don’t know why in the world I was surprised to come to the comment section and see it already recently muddled with hateful and disgusting words and attacks on you. If it does more harm than good to respond, please ignore the trolls. Don’t waste your energy on people that are too blindly following false idols to see the truth and be decent humans. They don’t deserve your time. You’re worth so much more than that ♥️ the rest of us though, we’re here. we believe you. we’re all in it together.
Thank you. I am trying to refrain from responding to trolls.
Tyson had absolutely nothing to fear about you becoming an astrophysicist. Your story is wildly inconsistent and your images wholly unrelated. Your daughter not speaking to you “for having undiagnosed PTSD” is not related to Tysons actions whatsoever. Have you, in last 30 years, been unable to be diagnosed with PTSD?
Your page and your story reek of mental illness. There is no wonder that Tyson welcomes a probe, because you’re evidently very sick. I really hope that you find the help you deserve. You need it. Badly.
I did not seek counseling until 2005.At the time, I thought PTSD only applied to soldiers. You are spewing hatred towards me because I chose a different spiritual path. My perspective on life threatens the status quo. I do not expect atheists, medical doctors or scientists to agree with me, or even to consider sound healing and astrology as genuine. Those industries are not concerned with healing, only with making money by destroying lives. So what is your position now? As you can see, your words and perspective are irrelevant from my point of view. I am not asking anything from you or the judicial system. Should I begin to personally attack people for not believing in A Higher Power? I could easily say that that is what contributes to #rapeculutre and that an individual that is ignorant of their own divinity, and their inability to see that in others is what leads to rape and predatory tendencies. Like colonizers, doctors, scientists, missionaries, ceos, educators, bankers, politicians and celebrities from Fox. These individuals are not concerned with truth or the well-being of natural life of natural people.
I hope that when your eyes are fully opened, that it does not hurt too much to see the Light of Truth.
Reality Check,
Science and medicine works, saved hundreds of millions of lives, eradicated smallpox, and would eradicate measles and polio if not for science deniers. Oh, and landed another probe on Mars. And you scam people by peddling woo-woo that doesn’t work, what a shame. How do you go from studying astrophysics to peddling pseudoscience? I hope you’ll find your way back.
Sound healing, come on. There’s therapeutic ultrasound to treat kidney stones and even cancer. If it works, it’ll be used.
All the things you mention that science has dine, was done by ancient peoples for thousands of years without hurting innocent people or destroying the earth. The sickness that science cures are the same ones they infect us with so they can profit ftom selling the cure! The works of science and medicine destroy native habitats do they can produce a synthetic version for profit.
I went from astrophysicist to natural healer by going through a traumatic experience that led to a spiritual awakening, heightened awareness, enlightenment and self realization. I never want to go back! I continue to move forward. Then if sound healing works, why do you call my practice woo-woo? Can you orive they have labded on Mars? Were you there? Is there any biological evidence, physiological, mental, psychological evidence that USA/NASA landed on Mars? I mean thus is same culture that tells their children about Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, that Elections and votes matter: this culture is built on lies.
Reality Check,
Oh, you don’t make money from your healing business? You work for free?
How do you know what was done by ancient people? Were you there? They weren’t so peaceful, you know, they had slavery and low life expectancy. They thought solar eclipses were magical, and they treated diseases by bleeding people.
I contrast pseudoscience with real science: astrology vs. astrophysics, tuning forks vs. therapeutic ultrasound, herbalism vs. pharmacology. Real science looks for a mechanism and carries out experiments to test if the thing works. Take astrology. There’s no mechanism by which it could work, and there’s no empirical evidence that it works. No “there” there, just anecdotes.
Okay so your point is? Are you trying to convince me of something?
Reality Check,
“I went from astrophysicist to natural healer by going through a traumatic experience that led to a spiritual awakening”
Was the traumatic experience the rape by Neil or something else?
There were several. The Rape is by far the worst thing that ever happened for me. It is the event that replays itself in my mind everyday without any choice it just flashes or if I am triggered, it flashes. Yes this is the event, however the Experience contained many facets and aspects, the event affected my personal relationships, it affected my livelihood. It shattered the life of my dreams, TWICE! Somehow, it helped turn a piece of coal into a diamond. It is a process. The Rape began the process in a way, even tho other things were happening. I saw the corruption of academic institutions by the male establishment. If you read the other chapters of my story, you would read that it was the sexual misconduct that I experienced while a Physics major at Oberlin FUCKING College that conditioned me to remain silent about inappropriate misconduct by faculty and the male students that are protected by the System. All I can say is that I am grateful that I did not end up dead like Grace Austin or Misty Upham. I am grateful for the family life that I experienced for 20 years, and will miss for the rest of my life. I am grateful that I did not kill myself. I intend to Turn Poison Into Medicine. I will Find the Gift in this Adversity. I will Remain Seated on My Inner Throne and Not Be Moved. I will find the perfect thing to fill the space created by the loss. I will continue writing recording performing my music even if no one cares to listen. I will continue my work in Cultural Astronomy and Cosmic Sound Healing with cosmically tuned tuning forks even if I am ridiculed by rapists and institutions that perpetuate lies, violence, oppression, godlessness, destruction, invasion and/or terrorism, which is what military is and does, and we all know that the military and the science industries are embedded together along with the religious educational and all medical industries. This is more than about the Rape. This is about Natural Healing Spirituality and Purity of the Goddess vs the white male dominated Status Quo, which is hell bent upon itself. You could say that the event triggered the birth of a Peaceful Warrior Healer Goddess. One that will no longer remain silent about rape. A Woman with the ability to heal trauma with her voice, her music, and her sound healing instruments. A Woman that is no longer afraid. Bring It On. I do not believe that it was his intention to create something that could penetrate and destroy his illusion and delusion, when he put that drug in a glass of water that I did not ask for.
Akabo Aye,
Lately, I’ve been seeing such preposterous alleged accusations on few individuals after they’re famous. And this, here, this particular article says that you’re making the shit up.
Akabo Aye,
Although I’m entirly against any kind of sexual harassment/rape, your story has so many inconsistencies that shows otherwise. Also, PTSD will barely be related to it even if such devious and despicable act was performed.
Art Davis,
Explain to me why it took Mr. Tyson approximately 8 years to respond to her allegations? He does not address her facts just blanket denial and says they dated, after 8 years of thinking how to respond? The truth is it doesn’t make sense that no one cared that this man had done this? She told her story 7 years before me too movement! She stood up alone and had the apologists tell her you are crazy it never happenened. If it takes 8 years to make as weak a statement as he did it shows Tyson is not very smart himself. PTSD and Dissociative Disorder do occur because while the body and conscious mind are a sleep the subconscious mind is wide awake trying to protect the conscious mind. Even if the body can’t move the subconscious mind is taking in everything it can from all of its senses. The facts are that it takes many years for those memories to filter out. When they do for some it is like a switch and they are triggered to remember it from a smell, or from a sound, or from a taste, or from a touch. Sometimes it comes through nightmares or night terrors. It may come in bits and pieces it may come in the different senses that were aware at the time and not all senses might be awake depending on the drug. But If she was able to open her eyes this is a fact of sleep walkers they can sit up, open their eyes, and walk. Sleep paralysis happens and people open their eyes but cannot move. Their subconscious knows everything going on around them though. It is not just one thing that they remember it is everything from every sense the drug allows their subconscious to remember. If you research it you will clearly see what I am saying. No one has explained why this lady would make this up. They just jump to the conclusion she has made it up. I do not believe she accused him without knowing what actually happened. Could it be a false memory? I don’t know if she has ever been regressed or hypnotized. I don’t know that if you told her to believe it for 8 years never floundering or questioning that she might be wrong or mistaken with out regular reinforcement it would not be possible. I doubt that very much because she has again and again been dismissed with out anyone really listening. Interesting it took to other women with bizarre stories for anyone to listen to her. I don’t think a con person has that much long game. A con wants to achieve something and move on to their next goal. It seems all she has wanted was to get the truth out. They say the truth shall set you free. God knows the truth. God will decide in the end whether he calls himself an agnostic or not. God will judge him one day. The biggest thing he will be judged for is his silence for so long. The truth is never supposed to be hidden if he claims he is telling the truth then why the extended period of silence? It just smacks of unreasonable behavior of an innocent man.
Words cannot convey the sense of relief obtained by reading these words. Synchronistically, I was indeed a sleepwalker when very young. I had strange seizures. Thankful fir your support
Clearly you are unaware of the Streisand Effect. Publicly responding to allegations whether true or not would only draw attention to them.
Staying quiet until the allegations have reached the current level of public awareness is the prudent course of action regardless of guilt.
His response made him look a thousand times worse. Only supporters of rape culture would believe him after he posted those comments.
Reality Check,
On what date did this happen? Year, month, day, day of the week, anything?
Did you report being drugged and raped to anyone at the time? Did you say anything to anyone about it before Tyson was famous?
Have you seen a psychiatrist for your “undiagnosed PTSD”? You might be diagnosed with PTSD or something else.
Thank you. Be Well!
Reality Check,
Surely you know the date and its astrological significance. Evading it makes it look like you’re scared that Tyson has an alibi. It’s a red flag.
The date of the rape? I do not. It was during the day not at night. I am not afraid of anything or anyone at this moment. Fearless
Reality Check,
Thanks for answering. It was in 1984, right? Summer? Winter? Weekend?
Did you see how PZ Myers addressed your story at his Pharyngula blog? “I told her that I won’t go on the record supporting her accusation, because there is no corroborating evidence at all to support it.”
Now you see, PZ Myers is a very liberal feminist who previously supported a rape accusation against a famous skeptic named Michael Shermer, but in that case, he got corroborating evidence first.
So if you couldn’t even convince PZ Myers, then you really need to provide more evidence.
No if someone wants to conduct an investigation they can. I am not trying to prove anything. I am sharing my experience. I stopped seeking justice in a world of corruption. I don’t know who Meyers is or was.
Reality Check,
You filed a police report in 2014, right? Without a date of the incident? Filing a false report is a crime, though the statue of limitations probably expired, but if your accusations are false, then it’s libel. See the case of Joanie Faircloth: “Conor Oberst rape claims retracted as ‘100% false’, admits accuser”
A woman who alleged online she had been sexually assaulted by the Bright Eyes singer withdraws statements in response to libel suit, stating, “I made up those lies about him to get attention while I was going through a difficult period in my life and trying to cope with my son’s illness.”
This is not the case in my situation so does not apply. At this point, what do you want from me? Just state it plainly. I am not going to be able to answer all of your questions. At this point, you sound like just another hater rape culture participant and obvious fan of Neil Tyson. It does not serve me in anyway to continue this dialogue. What are you hoping to accomplish? Letz deal with that and then it must end.
Reality Check,
Who are you talking about? Did Neil deGrasse Tyson say this to you, or is this hearsay, or what?
That was not a direct quote. No he did not do this to me, I was not in Astronomy 101. I was a grad student. He bragged about this to me. I have not met any of the students from those classes. He was a TA for Dr. Frank Bash.
Reality Check,
He bragged to you that he told students in Prof. Bash’s class that they can pass Astronomy 101 if they give him a blowjob?
Yes, that is more accurate. Perhaps the other statement contained a typo. Tyson was the TA.
Just trying to understand the situation more, not trying to discredit you- but if you don’t remember anything throughout the whole night and morning, how do you know what happened? You seem to be making some specific claims about what occurred, but I’m wondering why and how you think them.
It is unfortunate that you missed the gory details. Please look thru the comments. I have posted the details in many places. Some people see and some people do not. I do not have time to retype every time someone wants a porn movie. I woke up briefly during the assault. . Are you trying to imagine the scene? If I am ever assaulted again, i will ask the rapist to stop so that I can take a picture for you
Reality Check,
Any chance you had sleep paralysis, which creates a sensation of being pinned down and unable to move? Some people who claimed to be abducted by aliens probably had sleep paralysis.
You’re fake, conniving, spiteful, trash and puppet of white feminists who see you as nothing but a token.
I dont know any white feminists. That is a different tribe.
So what if you don’t know them. They are using you as a puppet and a heroine in their war against the men, specifically the black men, hence the words “puppet” and “token.”
How are they using me? Are you saying that i should have remained silent? Perhaps it would have been best for my rapist and his fans if i actually had killed myself???? Race has nothing to do with this. Some people, male female black white young old are predators rapists and pedophiles. If you support them, then so are you. And I do not communicate with people like that so be well and be gone!
So here’s the problem. These allegations are 30 years old so there won’t be any physical evidence. That means it is your word vs his.
Based off the disjointed blog post, comments, and the fact this site is pedaling cures that aren’t backed by empirical evidence is only hurting your cause.
I have no idea what happened but you should probably stop making yourself easy to discredit.
I do not care about your opinion. Acutonics is WELL DOCUMENTED. It helps many people. I am not concerned about what brainwashed people believe unless they have come to me for help with healing beyond their delusions. Babylon is falling baby! And you have chosen to fall rather than rise. So why are you on here typing? What is your objective? Do you honestly expect me to stop speaking out because you are on my webpage stalking supportive comments and trolling me? Trolls work for demons. Simple. You have exposed yourself. My healing work and wellness products are of no interest to you. Okay. So what is your problem? Do you want me to stop existing so your idol can continue hurting people and brainwashing our youth? Too bad for you cuz that aint gonna happen….not anymore…. the only problem exists within your mind. Be well and DECIDE! You either support the white male dominated rape culture status quo, or you support the right of people to speak their truth even if you dont like it. There is no grey area.
Reality Check,
So in addition to the free publicity for your business, you have an ideological motive to defame and take down Tyson, to stop him from “brainwashing our youth” with science. Kind of how Christine Blasey Ford had an ideological motive to take down Kavanaugh.
Why are you still here? What is wrong with wanting children and all people to be safe from sexual predators?
I believe you.
I’m so sorry this happened and for the impact it’s had on you. I believe you.
Yes the impact is profound. I know there is a gift in every adversity and that we can turn poison into medicine. But before that can happen, the adversity must be identified and the poison must be analyzed. The process does not always happen overnight. Why does it take dome people 30 years or more to be able to start healing to speak out, while others “ get over it” right away? Why are we hated for taking longer to begin healing and speaking out? I dunno….
Thank you for reaching out. For your support. Peace
I was assaulted as a child 35 years ago, and the assaults continued over the course of a few years. It took me over a decade to make sense of the memories that would come out as disruptive flashbacks, nightmares, and fragmented slivers of recollection; to write them down; to trust myself; and finally work up the courage to tell another. The first friend I told did not believe me. That meant I shut up about it for another several years, wondering if I was wrong all along, if it was me that was the monster. I know what it’s like to be haunted by the memories and the pain, I know what it’s like to not be believed and to have vicious rumours spread about you, to have your sense of reality torn out from beneath you time and time again. I know the agony and all-encompassing disruption of having complex PTSD, too. Your courage to speak out is profound. I’m sorry this happened to you, and I’m sorry you’ll have to face a lot of hateful and threatening words on account of speaking your truth. What people need to understand is that time means very little when it comes to assault like this. 30 years? That’s a blink of an eye. The assault exists in a timeless space in the consciousness of the victim, stored in the body as though it just happened, as though it continues to happen over and over again. And it continues like this each day, replaying itself at inopportune times, reminding us constantly, until we process it, until we speak it, until we learn ways to transmute it into something else.
Thank you. I am sad that we have this in common. Thank you for sharing your truth as well. Oneness
The Dude,
One look at your nutty website and it takes a normal person about 2 seconds to realize that you’re a wackjob.
Just want to tell you how much I admire your courage in going public with this. It seems you are being demonized for (among other things) choosing a spiritual path that feels right to you. I think that is a great thing, and I only admire you more because of it.
Feeling light headed today. Going to keep doing my thing. Just posted a blog with links to all the articles plus Astrology Analysis! Lol! Thanks for reaching out. And for the support. Oneness
This is truly horrible, I hope you can heal from things and move on in your life. What was the difference in age between you, if you don’t mind me asking? Was he your lecturer or tutor or something?
Thank you for your support. We were both grad students. He is 3 years older. Everyone assumes he was my teacher. I was also studying to get a phd. I also have a degree in physics. Why is this so hard to believe???
Oh right. But he was a member of the faculty as well?
No just a teaching asst. I was a research asst for a different professor. We were both grad students. He did not finish there and started over someplace else.
Okay. Read all of my responses to trolls on this page. Then, read my post on Coming Out of A Cave. Then read AAAAAALLLLLLL of the HeruScopes Analyses. Then watch AAAAAAALLLLLLL of the Good Rising TV videos on youtube and/or instagram. Then watch AAAAAAALLLLLLL of the KemeTones Self Care videos. Then listen to AAAAAAALLLLLLLL SIX of my cds. If after AAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL of that, you still have any questions, THEN and only then will I respond. Good Luck!
E C,
The reason for the assumption is because you said “How many freshman students did you give A’s to when they were failing? Were they really failing, or was that just an easy way to get free blow jobs?” So people assume he was giving grades as a teacher, not as an assistant. I guess it’s not common knowledge that TAs can also personally grade papers, if that’s what you’re saying. I don’t think that fact is readily apparent, nor is it clear why those students wouldn’t just talk to their teacher/professor about it.
And your point is…. all I was doing was repeating what he told me i never met any of these students. So if he was lying, he’s a liar. If it happened, he is disgusting. Either way, he is still a rapist.
E C,
You also mentioned “NO MORE SEXUAL HARASSMENT ALLOWED OR TOLERATED BY ANY FACULTY MEMBERS OR CLERGY” – so it’s further assumed he was a faculty member.
I’m sorry this is the story you have to tell. It’s deeply unfair and you have my sympathies.
He was a TA. Are you looking for holes in story? When i write the blog post, yes, I was angry and emotional. I wrote from my heart. I spoke my truth. You sound like you woukd have oreferred if i hired a professional to tell my story. Know what? I COULD NOT AFFORD THAT. At the time, I WAS TRYING TO STAY ALUCE ABD NOT KILL MYSRLF, ok? Can we just be thankful that I lived long enough to tell my story even tho it took me 30 years to speak? I am not the criminal here. I am still healing. GOT IT?
E C,
No, I agree with you – it’s absolutely disgusting to lie (and/or brag) about things like that, let alone do them. I – and I assume many others – was just expressing confusion as to how/why he would have the task of grading papers.
I’m angry that he tried to discredit you the way he did in his acknowledgement letter, and it only serves to make him look more suspicious to the public, as well as his clear gaslighting of you and his former assistant. I was also furious that Ann Druyan, who said she would pursue the truth in this case no matter what it was, seems silent about the “conclusion” to the investigation so far. Which is to say, there is no public declaration of his guilt OR “innocence.” And I wish so much that there was something in all of this that would put your mind at ease.
Thanks for your time. I know it’s not easy for you to keep replying, and I truly appreciate it. I have no intent whatsoever to make things worse for you, and you have no obligation to give me these responses. As much as I’d like to talk about it more, I wouldn’t want you to overextend yourself over a tired and traumatizing subject. I appreciate the opportunity to express to you personally how I feel about what has happened. I wish you well with your healing.
You are welcome to email me if you want a listening ear.
Thank you. It has helped so much to talk about these matters. I have done ny part. Now society must decide what is best: to continue to allow rapists and pedophiles teach and guide the youth of today, or stand up speak out and put an end to #rapeculture.
Tyson was a TA for Dr. Frank Bash who was the dept chair at the time. Basically, Neil taught the class a lot of the time, and graded papers. I never attended the class.
I enjoy the dialogue, but i am not always polite….
One Love and Much Gratitude.
E C,
I’m also especially angry that no one seems to realize how trauma works – how blocked out memories can come back, and how reluctance to tell your story is really because it means reliving the trauma. Truly, best wishes to you.
E C,
If you want a clear reference, this article from 1986 further verifies that TA was a higher position back then than it is now: httpss://,0,1.816,1.096,0
Look…I’m not saying with 100% certainty that he didn’t do it, but it is very, very hard to take you seriously with some of the scatterbrained nonsense you’re writing in this article, and also in this entire site, which is full of pseudoscience.
The scatterbrained content, the mention of several “spiritual” deities and stones and flowers and all that other supernatural stuff that isn’t backed by science…not to mention many of the details don’t add up, like remembering everything that happened even though you say you were drugged?
The fact that you also said he is “brainwashing the youth” shows me that you have motive to try and destroy his career too, and now would be the perfect time with times like the MeToo movement where everyone believes the woman regardless of evidence or facts.
I don’t know, it’s possible that you’re telling the truth, but you do not seem very credible based on this article and the way you respond/communicate in general. There’s some pretty nutty stuff on this site that you endorse so…I’ll leave it at that.
You would be a lot better off just giving an account of the events. Rambling on about Afrocentric theory makes you seem like you are grandstanding and doing this for attention.
I actually majored in Black Studies, and I’m familiar with the things that you were talking about here. My question is, what does any of this have to do with the rape accusation?
If this really happened, get your shit together and make a convincing case. You are not coming off as credible.
I do not take tips ftom “white boys”. Their opinion means nothing to me. Thanks for visiting my webpage….
If I told you that I don’t take tips from black people, you would call me a racist. So that’s what I’m going to do to you: you are a racist.
Clearly you are mad at Neil for being a real scientist instead of investing in your fantasy world of left-wing racial identitarianism.
I do not care about what you call me. We are all beings of light having earthly experience. You have chosen to idolize a rapist. It is imissible for Black People or People of Color to be racist because we are not enslaving, oppressing, dominating, manifestdestinying, policebrutalizing, controlling the economy, gentrifying, denying the right to exist to anyone based on race. Why am i mad at Neil? For slipping me a mickie and for raping me. I am angry that i allowed his violation to destroy my family. I am angry that he is still sexualizing women and that creatures like you think it os acceptable behavior. As for being a real scientist, i would have to disagree. He is very good at translating scientific jargon to natural born persons, but he has yet to offer anything of value for humanity to humanity in y opinion. Science is just another white owned religious institution, whose sole/soul purpose is to fund news ways to destroy the earth, lives, families, to find new military weapons, make money and kill people. Enjoy eating your own waste. Have a great day!
One more thing – I just read through a bunch of your comments and responses and I think I figured this out. By the way, I appreciate you responding to so many people.
I think that you were mad at Neil deGrasse Tyson for “selling out” to what you consider to be “Western science.” You wanted him to be uninterested in mainstream science and instead be an agent of Afrocentric theory.
I majored in Black studies, so I’m familiar with this stuff. I think you’re mad at him for not being like you. I think that you know that you are fabricating at least some parts of this story, but you are justifying it to yourself with the idea that you are taking down an agent of the West.
I am not trying to take down anyone. Rapists should not be around children or teaching in the public. Had I been given the correct guidance, I would have spoken out decades sho. But the system failed me and I don’t mean a class or a degree! I spoke my truth. It was either speak out or suicide. My life or his. I chose life. Majoring in Black studies does not make you Black just like majoring in physics does not make you physics or even a physicist! Thanks for sharing your opinion. Unfortunately, you missed the point snd so you are incorrect…be well
sounds a bit dramatic but okay
Mike Hoffman,
You are one nasty little racist aren’t you? You lie to promote yourself while trying to defame a great man. You are disgusting.
Not lying, not trying to defame or gain fame as other trolls and goblins have implied. Standing in my truth, sharing my experience, releasing, healing and growing. Moving forward. Great men do not rape nor do they drug innocent people for their own satisfaction and pleasure. I am not nasty, little or racist. I am conscious and I stand for Maat. Be Well.
This article was difficult to read: there are so many errors. They ought to be ashamed for releasing this…. but anyway, the link works….
I’m sorry for what you been trough. I have been reading your post and comments, and to me seems like you are angry to some people who want to ask you about your claim against NDT. Why don’t you made a case without all the Egyptian mythology?.
Thatz cool. So? We disagree. No problem. Everyone has their own truth, their own interpretation, their own experience, their own feelings. Their own truth. and when all are put together you have The Truth. We will not agree on any of this so why are you here? Why would I be upset with my rapist for being brainwashed into believing he is a scientist. My life has gotten much better since speaking my truth and being fully authentic. Healing is a process, a journey. What was true lat year may not be true today. Your website has been deleted and now so are you… be well.
Truth seeker,
I am sure something happened to you. Unfortunately young people of whatever colour either know boundaries or do not. It isn’t about colour, race , gender or religion. NDT has a natural curiosity which in his own words, he does not think.should be.curbed so i indetstand why you.think he is a bad influence on youth. As i said , I dont know what happened and in.your own words , you dont know all the details either. What seems true is.intentionally or unintentionally, NDT, caused you. to.feel violated. For this NDT should stop, reflect and at least apology. However , you in turn should reflect , is this name calling, this altenative cultural approach really helping you to heal?? ? Peace, my girl, i wish you in all.things , health.
Hell.o. I appreciate your attempt to apoear objective. However, rapists beling in prison. Survivors do what it takes to survive. When angry, people express themselves and move on. You caught one glimpse of my emotions being expressed, after having been suppressed for 30 years, and you seem to be blaming me for having my life ripped from me. And for being angry about it! When you have been violated, anger, pain sadness, this is expressed. So, ok, you dont like reading abput my pain, my sadness. Thats cool. You also are not into ancient cultures, spirituality or sound healing. That is your opinion, But who the HELL are you to decide if, when and how I should be healing? Why do you think that i care about the ipinion of an individual that thinks that rapists just need to apologize?or is that only famous rapists? While innocent people acvused of rape are lynched? Yes an alology, that is one step, but he has to do a lot more than that to repair his own karma and inner peace.
As for sound healing, yoga, meditation, prayer, I see no need to comment on the depth of your ignorance, your judgement, and the negativity you are spewing at a human being that IS HEALING and simultaneously, helping others to heal, and inspiring other survivors to speak out. It is mostly trolls that love rapists that come over here to leave their poison. So welcome. You know what Truth Seeker, TRUTH IS MY MIDDLE NAME SO YOU HAVE FOUND TRUTH AND YET YOU CALL HER A LIE. Have a wonderful day and try to stop sitting in your own excrement.
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