Good Sirius Rising!
DUA Aset/Ast/Isis/Yemaya/Emma Ya/Sigi Tolo/Po Tolo!
Ast/Aset/Isis: Kemet:
Egyptian Bluez,
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Egyptian Bluez Chants
Mu; Hu
Maat Ankhu Maat Maat is the Source of Life
Ankh Hena Maat LIve with Maat
Cha Hena Maat Rise in the Morning with Maat
Ha Sema Maat Join Limbs with Maat/ Let Her Guide Your Actions
Emma Ya; Emma Ya
Ptah Hotep Amun Ra
Maat Hetepu May the Peace of Maat Be With You
Ab a En Muta My Mother, My Heart
R U Sirius Enuff,
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Ast Maat/ R U Sirius Enuff?
Are You Sirius Enuff? Are You Sirius Enuff?
I shall come as a feather
that is balanced against your heart.
I shall come as a feather
that is balanced against your heart.
Are You Sirius Enuff? Are You Sirius Enuff?
Before you enter the gates of Zion
you must be free from evil.
Before you enter the gates of Zion
you must be free from evil.
Moving Towards Balance.
Standing In Truth.
Establishing Order With Harmony
Brings Forth Justice, Reciprocity
And Righteousness.
Are You Sirius Enuff? Are You Sirius Enuff
I shall come as a feather
that is balanced against your heart.
Before you enter the gates of Zion
you must be free from evil.
Moving Towards Balance.
Standing In Truth.
Establishing Order With Harmony
Brings Forth Justice, Reciprocity
And Righteousness.
Moving Towards Balance.
Standing In Truth.
Establishing Order With Harmony
Brings Forth Justice, Reciprocity
And Righteousness.
Hekau: Dua Sekhmet, Dua Aset. Ari Mes: Ankh, Udja Seneb
Adorations to Goddess Sekhmet, Power of the Life Force Energy
Adorations to Goddess Aset, Lady of Wisdom and Healing Words of Power
Do For This Child,
Life, Vitality and Health
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there is a spectacular ritual to be done at Sirius Culmination on December 31. I am going to observe when I see Sirius this summer for first time…pg 82:
Ushet Rekhat: The Mother Worship Ritual
The ritual of uttering the names of the goddess promotes purity of the speech. This purity was known as maakheru in Ancient Egyptian terminology. Maakheru is the primary objective of every spiritual aspirant. The names may be recited, chanted or used in song. The art of recital, chanting and singing the divine names supports the study of the mystical teachings given in the myths related to the various forms of the Goddess. Also, it bestows psychic powers on the aspirant which will allow him or her to achieve great heights of spiritual experience internally and also to perform great works in the world of time and space (human experience).
The Ancient Egyptian Goddess Names:
Apt, Nut, Mehurt, Aset, Hetheru, Maat, Rennenet, Meskhenet, Sefkhet-aabut, Nebthet, Ament, Nekhebet, Mut, Rekhat, Sekhmet, Arat, Bast, Ra, Sekhmet- Bast-Ra. pg. 78
The Goddess Chant
These lyrics are taken from the Goddess Path by Sebai Maa. It is just a list, but it fit this music perfectly. Music by Tchiya Amet El Maat
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Po Tolo and
Emma Ya:
Mali and the Dogon: again, here is PO TOLO
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“Oh Sacred Darkness Mother of Pure Light; Within the Soul of My Soul,
Rebirth Yourself in Me as me NOW!”
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teachings from conscious
Temple of Shetaut Neter: Temple of Aset
Kemetic Devotional Services Thursday Evenings 8 pm est) and Sunday Risings (8:30 am set). Meditation on Wednesday Evenings (8 pm est), and Teachings and Discussion on Saturday Evenings (9 pm est). On Sunday Risings, I lead the prayers and chants along with Asar Djehuty Se Hotep.
Divine Black Light that is Love at
Love and Light, Tchiya!
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Tree of Life, also known as the Milky Way Galaxy by both the Maya and in Kemet.
Chapter 19 Pert M Heru by Sebai Maa page 241
The Chapter of the Tree of Life: Breathing Air and Possessing Water in the Duat.
Vignette from Chapter 19. The Tree of Life is the symbol of the Goddess. Through it , She nourishes all Life and in particular, She provides spiritual strength to the aspirant for success in the spiritual world. Pert M Heru by Sebai Maa
Dua Arat Nut
Neteritah M Pet
Dua Arat Nut
Didyu M Hena Hetep!
- Words to be spoken by Asar_____________________________Maakheru.
- Hail to you great river in the heavens, in thy name of the “Traverser opf the Heavens”? Grant thee power over the water to Asar __________________ Maakheru like Sekhmet who protected Asar against the violence on the night and day of the slayings. Lead Asar___________________________Maakheru to the abode where there is an abundance of water just as you lead those other honorable persons who were slain and became a noble, blessed souls, knowing not they the name of he who led him.
- Asar ____________________maakheru is opening up in Djed
Asar ____________________maakheru’s nostrils are opening up in Djedu in Hetep, the dwelling place in Anu, the house that was constructed by Sesheta on which Knum is standing. - If there is a north wind blowing, sit on the south side. If there is a south wind blowing, sit on the north side. If there is a west wind blowing, sit on the east side, and if there is an east wind blowing, sit on the west side.
- Lowering the eyebrows on the nostrils, Asar _______________________maakheru enters into all places desired and resides therein.
Nut, Goddess of the Skyby MyWorld1
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