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National Register of Historic Place

Medicine Wheel National Historic Landmark

Big Horn County

Big Horn Country Medicine Wheel

Read all about it

The Medicine Wheel is located in the Bighorn National Forest on the western peak of Medicine Mountain at an elevation of 9642 feet in the Bighorn Range east of Lovell, Wyoming. The 75-foot diameter Medicine Wheel is a roughly circular alignment of rocks and associated cairns enclosing 28 radial rows of rock extending out from a central cairn. This feature is part of a much larger complex of interrelated archeological sites and traditional use areas that express 7000 years of Native American adaptation to and use of the alpine landscape that surrounds Medicine Mountain. Numerous contemporary American Indian traditional use areas and features, including ceremonial staging areas, medicinal and ceremonial plant gathering areas, sweat lodge sites, altars, offering locales and fasting (vision quest) enclosures, can be found nearby. Ethnohistoric, ethnographic, and archeological evidence demonstrates that the Medicine Wheel and the surrounding landscape constitute one of the most important and well preserved ancient Native American sacred site complexes in North America. The Bighorn Medicine Wheel is considered the type site for medicine wheels in North America. Between 70 and 150 wheels have been identified in South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.

The Medicine Wheel of My Life

The Medicine Wheel can be for indoor use, small and portable, or outdoors, huge and permanent.


The Lakota Way: Stories and Lessons for Living

By Joseph Marshall

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 The Medicine Wheel
This site has instructions on how to construct a medicine wheel!

Traditionally, a Medicine Wheel is a circle of stones which are aligned to the four cardinal directions and divided into four quadrants. This ancient symbol represents life, cycles of time, the Earth, and the Universe. It is a place to come to create, to meditate, to pray, to deepen your inner being, to mark a change in your life and to seek guidance. Each direction or quadrant of the Medicine Wheel holds attributes to assist in your journey around the Wheel.

Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center:

The medicine wheel is a sacred symbol used by Plains tribes and others to represent all knowledge of the universe. The medicine wheel consists of a circle with horizontal and vertical lines drawn through the circle’s center. Sometimes, an eagle feather is attached in the wheel’s center. – See more at:

Raven House Healing-Shamanic Studies, Medicine Wheel & Reiki


6 Steps to Sustainable Leadership: Team Balance

The basics of the Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel divides all personality types into 4 main categories.
These types are listed below with short summaries of the positive and negative or “shadow” areas of each type:
  • Warrior/North – Positive: courageous, takes charge and willing to take risks.  Shadow: may bulldoze others and can be very hurtful.
  • Nurturer/South – Positive: wise, patient and understanding.  Shadow: may hesitate to move forward if there is any disagreement.
  • Critical Thinker/West – Positive: detailed oriented, can analyze lots of information.  Shadow: may hesitate to move forward without all the necessary information, can suffer from analysis/paralysis.
  • Visionary/East /Air– Positive: Creative and innovative.  Shadow: may not be detailed oriented and things may “fall through the cracks.”

In the Medicine Wheel at my home, these aspects line up with the Elements, Colors and Aspects of Being:

Warrior/ North/ Fire/ Spirit/ White

Visionary/ East / Air/ Mind/ Yellow

Grounding / West / Earth/ Body/ Red

Nurturer/ South / Water/ Soul, Emotions/ Black

And SOUND is the fifth element

Please visit My Personal Medicine Wheel Page at

Ancient Observatories, Timeless Knowledge

Astronomical Alignments:

In 1974, an archaeoastronomer named Jack Eddy visited this Medicine Wheel and studied its alignments, that is, its arrangements of rocks, cairns, and spokes. He found the arrangements point to the rising and setting places of the Sun at summer solstice, as well as the rising places of Aldebaran in Taurus, Rigel in Orion, and Sirius in Canis Major — all bright, important stars associated with the Solstice. Later another astronomer, Jack Robinson, found a cairn pair that marked the bright star Fomalhaut’s rising point with the Sun 28 days before solstice.

Sighting from cairn E through the center hub (which may have supported a pole) marks the summer solstice sunrise. Sighting from C through the center marked the equivalent solstice sunset.Standing at cairn F, one could sight the once-yearly dawn, or heliacal, risings of the key stars Aldebaran, Rigel, and Sirius, which play symbolic roles in an ancient Cheyenne Massaum ceremonyand are also important stars in the sacred Lakota circle constellation “The Animal”.

The dawn or heliacal rising of a star is important because it pinpoints a date exactly. This is the day a star is first seen, just before dawn, after it has been behind the Sun for an entire season. From about 1200 AD to 1700 AD, these 4 stars would have acted as solstice markers for the Native Americans – Fomalhaut (F to D) would rise 28 days before the Summer Solstice, Aldebaran (F to A) would rise during the 2 days just before the solstice, Rigel (F to B) would rise 28 days after the solstice, and Sirius (F to C) 28 days after that, at the end of August and hence marking the end of summer and time to leave the mountain.

Here's a Medicine Wheel that Tammie created.
Medicine Wheel Garden

MEDICINE WHEEL HEALING COMMUNITYAddiction and Recovery in Native America:
Lost History, Enduring Lessons

Manataka Sacred Grounds being Developed

Medicine Wheel Garden

The Cherokee Medicine Wheel


The Cherokee Herbal by  J.T. Garrett
you can read a portion of the book here!
not sure why, but let’s just be grateful!


The Secret Moon Garden Medicine Wheel

 Medicine Wheel

“The medicine wheel is a symbol for the wheel of life which is forever evolving and bringing new lessons and truths to the walking of the path. The Earthwalk is based on the understanding that each one of us must stand on every spoke, on the great wheel of life many times, and that every direction is to be honored. Until you have walked in others’ moccasins, or stood on their spokes of the wheel, you will never truly know their hearts.


The medicine wheel teaches us that all lessons are equal, as are all talents and abilities. Every living creature will one day see and experience each spoke of the wheel, and know those truths. It is a pathway to truth, peace and harmony. The circle is never ending, life without end.


In experiencing the Good Red Road, one learns the lessons of physical life, or of being human. This road runs South to North in the circle of the medicine wheel. After the graduation experience of death, one enters the Blue or Black Road, that is the world of the grandfathers and grandmothers. In spirit, one will continue to learn by counseling those remaining on the Good Red Road. The Blue Road of the spirit runs East to West. The medicine wheel is life, afterlife, rebirth and the honoring of each step along the way.”


 Create a Medicine Wheel Garden

Medicine Wheel Model

“The Medicine Wheel represents the Circle of Life – Mother Earth where we are all connected, man, animal and all living things” Phillip Whiteman Jr.

“The Medicine Wheel Model
is a guide to help us
find balance in our lives
and to understand
how our actions
affect everything around us:
and all living things.”

Phillip Whiteman, Jr.

Hawk Sight and Dawning Light


These are the elements and attributes of my personal Medicine Wheel: Visit My Page to learn more about how the Medicine Wheel reflecta, and helps to heal, my life.

EAST: Totem: eagle Element: air Color: Red Kingdom: human Human aspect: spirit Manifestation: art and writing Time: momentary Heavenly body: sun Season: Spring The East is the farsighted place.

SOUTH: Totem: bear Element : water Color: black Kingdom: plant Quality: strength and introspection Human aspect: physical body Manifestation: healing Time: present Heavenly body: stars Season: Fall The West is the looks-within place.

WEST: Totem: wolf Element: fire Color: yellow Kingdom: animal Quality: finding out Human aspect: emotions Manifestation: journeying Time: past Heavenly body: moon Season: Summer The South is the close-by place.

NORTH: Totem: buffalo Element: earth Color: White Kingdom: mineral Quality: knowledge and wisdom Human aspect: mind Manifestation: philosophy Time: future Heavenly body: earth Season: Winter The North is the place of knowledge.

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