Good Rising and Great Awakenings!
Uben Nefer Nehast!
This post has some wisdom about how you can be
HeruScopes©: In Tune with June New Moon.
from astrology13.com
When I look at this moment, I see the forces are evenly distributed around the Circle. That is a really good thing.
At HeruScopes, we are awakened to and aware of these Cosmic Forces::
RA, Set, Sesheta, and Djehuty in Apis
HetHeru in Khepera
Pi Cheus is just entering Sekhmet
RaPhan in Maat
Asar PiMaere
Nebt Het and Chiron in KuUrKu
Heru is in PicotSahu.
Looking back at the reading for the June Full Moon,
What has changed is the Moon and Jupiter. And, Mercury is Direct again.
HeruScope for this New Moon: Be sure to have your HeruScopes Handbook and resource Guide open and available.
We let it go at the full moon, and now, it is time for a refill, a reboot, hit the reset button.
With Sesheta Apis, we see an opportunity to start, or restart, to build and establish, nurture growth, make changes etc, in regards to, or in our financial freedom, abundance and wealth Sesheta invented the ritual called the stretching of the cord, and she also watches over accounting and bookkeeping. With PICheus initiating time spent with Sekhmet, (When Jupiter moves into Leo) lots of fire! We see a step forward to protect our investments, our land our possessions. This includes our spiritual possessions as well, such as joy, peace, self love, compassion, truth, integrity, enlightenment, etc. We can no longer be challenged about who we are or what we are here to do. We are approaching a new cycle of steadfastness. I envision Aset: telling us to remain seated on our inner throne. We cannot be moved. We uphold the L:aw of Maat, we can defend Her. We can represent Justice and Truth. This is what I see that is unfolding with this June New Moon.
I am reminded of the passage from the Pert M Heru, from Chapter 19:
Whereas at the full moon, it felt like finances were backwards. With this dynamic duo, that will change. We can anticipate abundance and prosperity to overflow, with the resources to protect what we have manifested as well. This is New Day. A New Time.
Pi Cheus (Jupiter) also represents Wisdom. While in Sekhmet for these few days, we have a window opening for powerful healing wisdom to be showered upon us.
Checking in with HetHeru, ever on the path of Beauty, still spending time with Khepera: when observe suffering and adversity, we are reminded that how when we seek the beauty in all things, our experience is transformed.
Asar PiMaere is enhanced by Pi Cheus (Jupiter) entering Sekhmet. The Transformation of our inner leadership, reborn in the direction of upholding Maat.
from earthsky.org
Don’t miss jaw-dropping Venus/Jupiter encounter
In fact, every night in June, the separation between Venus and Jupiter will visibly shrink.On June 18th, Venus and Jupiter will be only 6 degrees apart. Now you can hide the two behind just two or three of your fingers with your arm outstretched.
On June 19th, something exciting happens: the crescent moon joins the show. On that evening, the moon, Venus and Jupiter will form a bright isosceles triangle in the sunset sky. Isosceles means that two sides of the triangle are the same length. This is how most sky watchers in North America will see it.
One night later, on June 20th, the vertices rearrange themselves, forming yet another isosceles triangle.
Of course, the Summer Solstice will be here in just a few days. I am starting a cleanse on the 16th, with the NEW MOON! Tie to align with this new phase of wealth and abundance, as well as the protective and guided forces of the universe to help us maintain what we manifest.
Try visualizing Sesheta riding on the back of the Bull! LOL!! Building and Creating wealth and abundance. everywhere she rides, everyplace the Bull walks. (The Bull also repfesents Hetheru, but that is another legend…)Keep in mind that all that we need has already been provided for us. Remember to be grateful for all of your blessings and gifts, for all the wealth and abundance that continues to flow, both physical and spiritual. And, if need be, we will fight to protect MAAT, and what is rightfully ours.
Maat Hetepu. May the Peace of Maat Be Upon You.
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