Full Moon of Truth: HeruScope© for May 4, 2015

Full Moon of Truth: HeruScope© for May 4, 2015   Good Rising and Great Awakenings! UBEN NEFER, NEHAST!   I realize that most of you believe that the Moon is in Scorpio. In Reality, the Moon is in MAAT,  Libra. In fact, go outside tonight and look and see which constellation the Moon is in, and drop me an email,…

Blood Red Full Moon ECLIPSE April 15, 2014 UPDATE!!!

Good FULL MOON Rising and GREAT AWAKENINGS!!! Please refer to my earlier post about Ritual for this Blood Red Full Moon Eclipse. The Eclipse actually starts TONIGHT, APRIL 14, 2014 11 PM PST TIL 2:30AM PST. 2AM EST UNTIL 5;30 AM EST. VISIBILITY: in North America….. Is it cloudy in your neighborhood? UNIVERSETODAY.COM has many links to sites where you can view…

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