Spring Cleaning

Good Rising! Spring is in the Air. Here at KemeTones©, that means it is time for SPRING CLEANING!!!   A thorough cleaning involves every area of your life: your space, your mind, your chakras, your body, your womb, your garden, even relationships. It is all about removing blocks and toxins, unwanted accumulation of energy. so that new things can grow.…

40 Day Journey Into Clarity: A 40 Day Cleanse/Fast!

Good Rising and Great Cleansing! Which ultimately leads to GREAT AWAKENINGS!!! After returning from a Winter Retreat with the Temple of Aset Temple of Shetaut Neter, which was purifying to say the least, I embarked upon a new journey: A 40 DAY CLEANSE AND FAST!! It was kind of an impulsive decision/idea, yet it feels totally right and planned out…
