Shetaut Neter on blogtalk radio

Temple of Shetaut Neter: Temple of Aset Udja Greetings! Uben Nefer. Good Rising. NEHAST! Great Awakening!!! Shetaut Neter Shetaut Neter is the religion of Kemet, of the Ancient African Egyptians. Shetaut Neter means Hidden Divinity. Shetaut Neter is the ancient philosophy and spiritual culture that gave rise to the Ancient Egyptian civilization. All of the guest speakers are members of…

Blood Red Full Moon: April 15, 2014

Sidereally, we are just about to enter into the month of Aries! on April 18. Perhaps this is another reason why this is known as the Blood Red Full Moon…Red with the Fiery Energy of Mars! Someone asked me about a ritual to do for this event, which is also a full lunar eclipse that can be seen in North America.!…

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