Hall of Maat This Hall of Maat is an Online Offering of My Devotion to the Goddess Maat. This Hall was constructed on November 2, the Second Day of the Ancestors, the Third Day of Maat in the Year 2015. Your presence here means that you are ready to have your heart touched by the Feather of Maat. Feel the…
Blue Lotus Speaks: Sirius Culmination 2015 Reflections on 30 Years of Living with Trauma and Assault
Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Today, It is GREAT RISING AND SIRIUS AWAKENINGS! January 18, 2015 The journey home from yet another fabulous Shetaut Neter Temple of Aset Temple of Heru WINTER SOLSTICE CONFERENCE, RETREAT AND FESTIVAL, was almost as powerful as the retreat itself. In fact, the experience is ongoing……. Wanted to take a moment to share some of…