Temple of Divine Light, Healing & Sweet SouAstMaataJi


  • Kemetic & Celestial
  • Offerings of Music,
  • Sound and Devotion.
  • Offerings for Well-Being,
  • Enjoyment and Enlightenment.

Belief, Mission, Vision & Purpose

AstMaataJi Temple of Divine Light, Healing and Sweet Sounds

Our Belief Statement

AstMaataJi Temple of Divine Light, Healing & Sweet Sounds is the Ministry of Chantress Arit Neter S Mery Maati, “She who makes Musical Offerings to her Tutelary Divinity, beloved by the dual goddesses of Maat.” Living Up to Her name, AstMaataJi believes.

  • The Only True Goal in Life is Enlightenment,
  • Neberdjer is the All Encompassing All Embracing Spirit that Is All, that Pervades All, and is known by many names in many traditions, and yet, the All is ONE
  • Everything in Creation begins with Djehuty(Cosmic Mind) &. Maat
  • Everything is Vibration and Frequency
  • Making Offerings Purifies the Heart and one’s Aryu

Therefore we…

  • Strive to live by Maat, without Judgement, free of ignorance; to see the Divine in others
  • Share Musical Offerings of the Wisdom Teachings from Kemet and the Four Directions (Spiral Dance Medicine Wheel)
  • Offer devotional music to enhance every spiritual journey, providing a musical experience of the teachings that lead to Enlightenment, by activating the cosmic forces within.
  • Follow the instructions left by Goddess Aset that lead to enlightenment, and spiritual victory over the Ego.
  • Study the Neteru, the cosmic forces of Nature, follow Natural Calendars, observe Ancient Holy Days and aim for Kairos time,  moments beyond time and space.
  • Practice the Shedy Disciplines of Shetaut Neter

Mission Statement

AstMaataJi Temple of Divine Light, Healing and Sweet Sounds is called to embody the Goddess through the Mastery of Divine Sacred Words of Power & Devotional Music, thereby Attaining Spiritual Victory over the Ego. Achieving Supreme Peace, the end of Duality, by listening to the Heart, trusting Divine intuition, learning how to Stop thinking and desist from following the ego. The Harmonization of the Heart and the Mind. Ie, Enlightenment. 

 To that end, we will provide:

  • A center for worship, prayer, healing, meditation, yoga, celebration, learning, study, fellowship and sanctuary;
  • Concerts and Devotional Worship Programs
  • Calendar of Holy Days & Celestial Events
  • Resources & support for healing from trauma and decolonization, including Womb Wellness and healing PTSS (Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome)
  • Opportunities for learning Ancient African Egyptian Culture and Spirituality, that leads to spiritual growth
  • Opportunities for learning Indigenous Cultural Practices of the Four Directions, that keeps us grounded and connected to the Earth. 
  • Guidance for Connecting with Ancestors. 
  • Motivation and resources for empowering service to each other and to the world;
  • An inclusive Spiritual  community respecting pluralism, agreeing to differ, resolving to love and uniting to serve.
  • Spiritual Guidance, 
  • Wellness Services Coaching & Products
  • Classes, Workshops & Initiations into Kemetic Mysteries, Sound Healing, Yoga, Wellness and Astrology.

Vision Statement

Tour the World, especially pyramids, temples and sacred sites, with this music and sound healing. To re-unite Eastern and Western Kemet (Olmec/Mayan/Turtle island/Native American); Presenting all pyramid cultures and civilizations, as one culture with many nations and vibrations.

  • Celebrating life 
  • Honoring ancestors
  • Self Liberation and Decolonization for all Indigenous peoples and the Diaspora
  • Preparing for Death (Pert m Heru; 42 Negative Confessions of Maat))
  • Dispelling Disbelief
  • End Suffering, which exists only in the mind.
  • Love One Another Equally.
  • Know Self, Love Self
  • Online calendar app: celestial: Planetary, Solar, Lunar, and Sirius:  neterian holy days, Melanated, Black and Indigenous heroes and sheroes, 

Statement of Purpose

All proceeds and donations go towards the fulfillment of the purpose of this temple:
to make offerings of music and sound that contribute to the global awakening by raising vibrations and frequencies, combining  ancient wisdom, music & sound healing. In Order to Restore Maat Upon the Earth. 

Financial Statement

AstMaataJi Temple is a 508/805 ILCS 105 Non Profit Spiritual Organization/Private Foundation and is tax exempt

(805 ILCS 105/103.12)  (from Ch. 32, par. 103.12)

    Sec. 103.12. Private foundations – Federal tax laws. In the absence of an express provision to the contrary in its articles of incorporation, a corporation, as defined in Section 509 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as may be amended from time to time, during the period it is a private foundation:

    (a) Shall not engage in any act of self-dealing as defined in Section 4941(d) thereof;

    (b) Shall distribute its income for each taxable year at such time and in such manner as not to become subject to the tax on undistributed income imposed by Section 4942 thereof;

    (c) Shall not retain any excess business holdings as defined in Section 4943(c) thereof;

    (d) Shall not make any investment in such manner as to subject it to tax under Section 4944 thereof;

    (e) Shall not make any taxable expenditure as defined in Section 4945(d) thereof.

(Source: P.A. 96-649, eff. 1-1-10.)

IRS Private Foundation Defined

Information on 508(c)(1)(0)

NON_GOVERNMENT / Non-taxable: Not for State Profit Church

A 508(c)(1)(a) FBO [Faith-Based Organizations] tax exemption stems from the First Amendment and is not a government subsidy.

FBO’s can be organized and operate under Section 508(c)(1)(A) of the Tax Code the same as they can be organized and operate under any other section of the Tax Code. A 508(c)(1)(A) FBO has a constitutional and legal right to form; therefore, there is no required application to seek approval of tax exempt status.

Since 508(c)(1)(A) organizations are already tax exempt as a right they do not have to give up that right (religious exercise and free speech) as a condition of tax exemption.

​All organizations seeking tax exempt status must apply to the IRS except FBO’s.

FBO’s can be formed under Section 508(c)(1)(A) and enjoy “mandatory exceptions” from these requirements. Section 508(c)(1)(A) was codified in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) in order to formally establish the right to “free” exercise of religion which had been a tacit standard upon which America was founded and governed since it gained its independence. A 508(c)(1)(A) is, by the very nature of its creation, a religious, non-profit, tax-exempt organization.


Natural Holy Days

Music & Sound Offerings that align with Natural, Celestial & Cosmic Holy Days. The Spiral Dance Medicine Wheel Offerings are made at Solstices, Equinoxes and Mid-Seasons. These events keep us aligned with the Milky Way Galaxy. They honor the 4 Elements, 4 Seasons, 4 Aspects of Being, 4 Directions, and themIndigenous people of the 4 Directions. When weather allows, we gather at a fire pity at Lake Michigan. In any case, the events are livestreamed. Offerings are also made at Eclipses and Retrrogrde Seasons. These events are by donation, and you can catch the replays at.

Ancient African Adorations

Ancient African Adorations: Musical Wisdom Offerings of Kemetic Wisdom and Devotion. Featuring Acoustic and African Instruments such as the Seprewa (Ghanaian Harp) & the Seshesh/Sistrum (Kemet). Presented in alignment with the Neterian Calendar of Holy Days and Other Cosmic Events. Stay tuned for Calendar Updates! You can watch the replays at the Tchiya Amet Youtube channel.


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AstMaataJi Temple of Divine Light, Healing, and Sweet Sounds


1200 W. 35th Street 432Chicago, IL 60619


astmaataji@gmail.com(707) 972-6831

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