Good Rising. Great Awakenings! Uben Nefer. Nehast! Sirius Alignment: Sirius, Venus and Moon in a Triangle! Today’s Rising was most wonderful for me personally. I so enjoy getting up early to watch Sirius as She rises, and these past few days, have been spectacular. Here are a few photos that I took, plus some video clips from the past couple…
Dua! Sopdu Uben Nefer & Kemetic New Year 38,781 (2015)! Good Rising and GREATEST Awakenings! With LUVIBRATIONS from HeruScopes©!! If you are new to Sirius Rising, here is some background information to get you going with the SPIRAL DANCE!!! The Sirius Star System Sirius Rising and the Dog Days of Summer Sirius Culmination is December 31 Sirius Culmination Viewing Guide this…
Good Sirius Culmination and Great Awakening! In other words, Hapi New Year! While most of the world is partying, drinking champagne and celebrating with other worldly ways, in Ancient Kemet and in Contemporary Neterian Communities, December 31 is a most auspicious moment in the cycle of the Sirius Star System. Sirius is divinely related to the Goddess Aset (Isis). The Neteru,…