Sol Wellness

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New Moon is ABUNDANCE at!

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at! Welcome to the Page of the New Moon at Here are all of the tools in my mystical collection of manifestation Not in any particular order of importance, just as they are flowing through me from the Goddess…. New Moon Meditation Music from Llewllyn The Goddess of the Moon at HeruScopes is Sesheta.…

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at!

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at! Welcome to the Page of the New Moon at Here are all of the tools in my mystical collection of manifestation Not in any particular order of importance, just as they are flowing through me from the Goddess…. New Moon Meditation Music from Llewllyn The Goddess of the Moon at HeruScopes is Sesheta.…

HeruScopes©: In Tune with June New Moon

Good Rising and Great Awakenings! Uben Nefer Nehast! This post has some wisdom about how you can be HeruScopes©: In Tune with June New Moon. from When I look at this moment, I see the forces are evenly distributed around the Circle. That is a really good thing. At HeruScopes, we are awakened to and aware of these Cosmic…

Super Moon, Super Spring Equinox Eclipse is UPON US!

  SUPER MOON, SUPER SPRING EQUINOX ECLIPSE IS UPON US! Yes, Indeed, it is now 1 am pdt, and I am starting this message, The Eclipse has begun. At least somewhere in the world, it can be seen and experienced on the physical level. Mostly over the Atlantic Ocean! Here on Turtle Island, it is only felt spiritually and internally.…

October New Moon 2014: Aspolia (Virgo) again, not Scorpio!

Ra (Sun) in Aspolia (Sidereal Virgo) This is still a Virgo New Moon Eclipse according to NASA, and of course, HeruScopes©! Sidereal Virgo is 44 days long, so we have 2 Virgo New Moons! True Scorpio is only 7 days long, so there it is rare to have a New or Full Moon in Scorpio. Hmmm, now THAT sounds like a REAL Blue…
