New Moon is ABUNDANCE at!

New Moon is ABUNDANCE at! Welcome to the Page of the New Moon at Here are all of the tools in my mystical collection of manifestation Not in any particular order of importance, just as they are flowing through me from the Goddess…. New Moon Meditation Music from Llewllyn The Goddess of the Moon at HeruScopes is Sesheta.…

HeruScopes: Bloody Red Moon Sept. 27/28, 2015

HeruScopes: Bloody Red Moon Sept. 27/28, 2015 The Final Of the Four! Here are some of my previous posts Blood Red Full Moon ECLIPSE April 15, 2014 UPDATE!!! Blood Red Full Moon: April 15, 2014 Bleeding Heart Moon 2015 Looking Ahead to the Comet, Blood Red Moon, and Jade Helm: SEPTEMBER 2015! AND NOW, HERE WE ARE AT THE LAST AND FINAL…

The Sun is Here Again! Give Away: Day 28

The Sun is Here Again! Give Away: Day 28 FREE MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY!   Just realized that since my name means Rise Again, it kinda has same meaning as this song. This is just a little piano tune. Not sure how the style would be classified. Just “Rise Again Music”! Hey, I like that! I wonder if words will…

Day #22: 40 Day Free My Music Give Away!

Good Rising and Great Awakenings! Welcome to Day 22 of the 40 DAY FREE  MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY!!!   As much as I enjoy sharing my music with you all, one of the main reasons for this give away is kinda selfish: I wanted to force myself to get back to my music. to build up that daily muscle of…


  Good Rising! I am so excited about this event! Thanks so much for signing up for the 40 Day FREE MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY! STARTING APRIL 4, 2015 and running until MAY !3, 2015 Please read this Letter to Fans of this Music to get a little background on why this event is happening! For 40 Days, you will…
