Mercury Rx plus 8 other heavenly bodies. Tune in at 8:32 am for LIVEESTREAM Cosmic Chimes & Chanting. Adorations to Kemetic Neters corresponding with Cosmic Planetary Chimes for this season of Portal Openings ( Retrogrades) mercuryretrograde #cosmic #chimes #chanting #chants #livein30min
Grand Alignment!⠀What better way to close the Djehuty Portal Opening (Mercury Retrograde ends June 22) than with the Summer Solstice ( June 20) and Strawberry Full Moon ( June 24).⠀In this video, we explore the current Retrograde Season: Jupiter has joined the mix, Rx in Sidereal Aquarius. This video contains an Offering of the Portal Opening Hekau (chant) with the…
[su_heading size=”43″ margin=”30″]Portal Of Djehuty Opening January 5-25, 2016[/su_heading] Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Here are earlier entries on this subject, when I first began to see Mercury Retrograde as an OPENING rather than something to be feared or avoided… click links below…. New Strategy for Mercury Retrograde starting with June 7, 2014 (posted May 28, 2014) New Strategy for Mercury…
ANCESTRAL HEALING: Ra Djehuty Rephan Ip/ Sun Mercury and Saturn in Sidereal Scorpio HeruScopes for The Second Day of Ip, November 24, 2015 This is usually a very difficult week for me, as three painful events for my Clan happen this week in history. November 23, first Day of Ip, My Mother, Jane Ann JOhnson Hambric died in 2010.…
Ra Rephan Ip: Sun and Saturn in Sidereal Scorpio; REMEMBERING OUR ANCESTORS HeruScopes for The Second Day of Ip, November 24, 2015 This is usually a very difficult week for me, as three painful events for my Clan happen this week in history. November 23, first Day of Ip, My Mother, Jane Ann JOhnson Hambric died in 2010. Then…