Temple of Shetaut Neter: Temple of Aset Udja Greetings! Uben Nefer. Good Rising. NEHAST! Great Awakening!!! Shetaut Neter Shetaut Neter is the religion of Kemet, of the Ancient African Egyptians. Shetaut Neter means Hidden Divinity. Shetaut Neter is the ancient philosophy and spiritual culture that gave rise to the Ancient Egyptian civilization. All of the guest speakers are members of…
Blue Lotus Speaks: Sirius Culmination 2015 Reflections on 30 Years of Living with Trauma and Assault
Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Today, It is GREAT RISING AND SIRIUS AWAKENINGS! January 18, 2015 The journey home from yet another fabulous Shetaut Neter Temple of Aset Temple of Heru WINTER SOLSTICE CONFERENCE, RETREAT AND FESTIVAL, was almost as powerful as the retreat itself. In fact, the experience is ongoing……. Wanted to take a moment to share some of…
Today is December 2, 2014. OM RA IMHOTEP. THE SUN MOVES INTO OPHIUCHUS ON NOVEMBER 30. When the Imhotep Portal is open, November 30-December18, when the Sun is in Ophiuchus, there is a tremendous opportunity for healing, growth, and enlightenment. The effects of this can be felt globally. When one is also aligned with the cosmic forces known as Sedna and Chiron…
ALL SIGNS POINTING TOWARDS A CYCLE OF ADDRESSING, AND HEALING FROM, SEXUAL ASSAULT AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. #BlueLotusSpeaks #EndTheSilence Good Rising and Great Awakenings! Be sure to have the HeruScopes © Handbook and Guide accessible… Saturday November 22 is the Ip New Moon at 14:43 pst. Ra enters Ip on November 24, leaving behind a month full, and a mouthful…
Ra (Sun) in Aspolia (Sidereal Virgo) This is still a Virgo New Moon Eclipse according to NASA, astrology13.com and of course, HeruScopes©! Sidereal Virgo is 44 days long, so we have 2 Virgo New Moons! True Scorpio is only 7 days long, so there it is rare to have a New or Full Moon in Scorpio. Hmmm, now THAT sounds like a REAL Blue…
Good Rising and Great Awakenings! If you don’t know who, what where or when Aspolia is, or why I am talking about Djehuty during Mercury Retrograde, check out the HeruScopes © Handbook and Resource Guide, for this is where it is all laid out…. hint: VIRGO…. October 4, 2014 is the beginning of the last opening of the Portal Of…
Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E. HeruScopes © incorporates Kemetic, Olmec, and Vedic (East Indian) Astrology Systems, and is based upon the TRUE Sidereal Motions of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations of the Zodiac, along the Ecliptic. HeruScopes © can sometimes include Asteroids, Comets, the Orisha, Ophiuchus, which resides between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and also the Sacred Hoop (Sirius,…
Good Sirius Rising! Welcome to the page of All Things Sirius at tchiya.com note: all blue text are links to more Sirius Knowledge and Sirius Wisdom elsewhere… Today is most auspicious for this post, being the first day of the Kemetic New Year. In Ancient times, the previous week is filled with fasting, ritual, and celebration in observance of the…
Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Great moments in time and space. After all of these years, I am at last able to cast HeruScopes: Olmec Sidereal Readings. What do I mean by this? Heru Scopes: instead of Horus Copes! With this Heru Scope, you will be able to see what lies ahead in truth according to the motion of our…