Good Rising. Great Alignmetnt and awakening! That greeting is NOT a typo! For general basic Equinox Information, please visit EQUINOX page at Sirius Rising is ongoing until she culminates on December 31. here is great Equinox Song with info about the Equinox! This year, I have come across something different: I first learned about this when I was visiting Machu Pichu…
Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E. HeruScopes © incorporates Kemetic, Olmec, and Vedic (East Indian) Astrology Systems, and is based upon the TRUE Sidereal Motions of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations of the Zodiac, along the Ecliptic. HeruScopes © can sometimes include Asteroids, Comets, the Orisha, Ophiuchus, which resides between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and also the Sacred Hoop (Sirius,…
This is so exciting! I am so grateful. I welcome into this space my Cosmic Guides and mentors in the realm of the Ancestors, Master Naba. Who continues to guide me daily on this Sirius Journey. I LOVE it when Master Naba says that we have a name for every hour in the day. That…
Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Great moments in time and space. After all of these years, I am at last able to cast HeruScopes: Olmec Sidereal Readings. What do I mean by this? Heru Scopes: instead of Horus Copes! With this Heru Scope, you will be able to see what lies ahead in truth according to the motion of our…