Ra KuUrKu: Sidereal Aquarius 13

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Haji Healing Salon

Haji Healing Salon

Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Third Sunday of each month, join us at Haji Healing Salon, 4448 S. Cottage Grove in Bronzeville, Chicago, Il. These spaces fill up fast, so book your session today. HeruScipes is heading in a different direction: away from being limited to time and space events, and towards using the stars movements for healing, instead of…

Frequency Friday July 15 at LAX

Frequency Friday July 15 at LAX

Frequency Friday is an excellent way to learn more about Sound Healing, 13 Month Sidereal Astrology, Herbs, Music and Ancient Kemetic Spirituality. Come on by for a FREE Sampling of what Cosmic Sound Healing can do for you. You may choose to receive a mini tuneup for a suggested donation of $2/minute. Once you sit down in her chair, Arit…

US Pluto Return in Capricorn: 2-22-2022

US Pluto Return in Capricorn: 2-22-2022

One popular astrologer had the audacity to say that Obama signaled Change…HA! That the transit began in 2008.  Rather than focus on the date, because according to NASA and JPL, this transit occurs on March 1, 2023, We will focus on the transit and how we will experience or notice it. Even if the transit does not take place until…

Summer Solstice Spectacular 2021

Summer Solstice Spectacular 2021

Summer Solstice Spectacular!Lots is going on, thankfully, one thing is winding down⠀ Summer Solstice is June 20th at 10:31pm cdt Mercury goes Direct on June 22. Strawberry Moon, Full Moon on June 24 at 2:40pm cdt.⠀There are 5 planets Rx (Retrograde) at this moment, so there is an Rx offering.⠀In addition, there is a transmission for an alignment in regards…

The Spring Eclipse: WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT, ALFIE?

The Spring Eclipse: WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT ALFIE?   Just have to begin with Dionne Warwick and her hit song written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. What a tune…..just now can I understand the lyrics! LOL!!!   “Without True  Love we just exist. Alfie. Until you find the love you’ve missed, YOU’RE NOTHING!  Alfie. When you walk, let your…

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