Promote Purity of Speech with this Kemetic Reggae Devotional Chant to the Goddess Day #29 of the FREE MY MUSIC GIVE AWAY!!! The ritual of uttering the names of the goddess promotes purity of the speech. This purity was known as maakheru in Ancient Egyptian terminology. Maakheru is the primary objective of every spiritual aspirant. The names may…
Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E. HeruScopes © incorporates Kemetic, Olmec, and Vedic (East Indian) Astrology Systems, and is based upon the TRUE Sidereal Motions of the Sun and Planets through the Constellations of the Zodiac, along the Ecliptic. HeruScopes © can sometimes include Asteroids, Comets, the Orisha, Ophiuchus, which resides between Scorpio and Sagittarius, and also the Sacred Hoop (Sirius,…
Good Sirius Rising! Welcome to the page of All Things Sirius at note: all blue text are links to more Sirius Knowledge and Sirius Wisdom elsewhere… Today is most auspicious for this post, being the first day of the Kemetic New Year. In Ancient times, the previous week is filled with fasting, ritual, and celebration in observance of the…