My Roof WAS on FIRE! Dua Tefnut: My Fire Water Story

The Roof, the Roof, My Roof WAS on FIRE! Dua Tefnut: Gratitude Fire Water Goddess My Fire Water Story   On Sunday June 28, 2015, there were two fires in Round Valley. Here is my Fire Water Story. Here is a slide show of my yard and the neighborhood  after the fire. [su_carousel source=”media: 1582,1581,1580,1579,1571,1572,1573,1574,1575,1576,1577,1578,1570,1569,1568,1567,1566,1565,1564,1563,1555,1556,1557,1558,1559,1560,1561,1562,1554,1553,1552,1551″ limit=”36″ link=”image” height=”500″ items=”1″] Ukiah…
