Dagger in the Heart of the Mother Lioness: Leo Conjunction of Venus, Mars & Jupiter October 23-November 6 HeruScopes© report on HETHERU, SET, AND AMUN IN SEKHMET On Friday, October 23, I was awakened by a horrible sadness. Now I have had my bouts of depression before, but this was something different. It came, as if from nowhere. I tried…
For more information, check out the HeruScopes © 2014 Handbook and Resource Guide. November 6, 2014 Ra Maat: According to NASA, The Sun is in Maat (Sidereal LIbra) until November 23, when it moves into Ip (Scorpio) for 7 days, then into Imhotep (Ophiuchus) on November 30. Will stay there until right before the Winter Solstice…where did you think the…
Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Great Change is upon us! Favorable and Beneficial to ALL! Enjoy Lakota 4 Directions as you read… Wisdom Teachings from the four directions….. June 19: Jupiter makes the Transit into CANCER, where it is exalted and highly favorable. I for one am very happy about this transition, because although in the Western Astrology System,…