Summer Solstice Spiral Dance Medicine Wheel 2021

Summer Solstice Spiral Dance Medicine Wheel Circle. Live Stream from Promontory Point. Sunrise Monday June 21, 2021

The Summer Solstice occurs Sunday night at 10:31pm cdt. I will aim to get there at on Monday 4:41am cdt, with the Dawn. Sunrise is at 5:14am cdt

If you are in the Chicago area, come join us. This is a continuation of the circle from Mid Spring. Calling in the 4 Directions, Honoring the Ancestors and the Indigenous People of the Four Directions. The 4 Seasons, Elements and Aspects of Being. This Medicine Wheel is unique because it includes the Spiral Dance, representing ascension, leading to increased consciousness, inner peace, global healing, higher vibrations and frequencies, representing upward forward movement rather than simply going round and round in a circle.

Remember the significance of the Medicine Wheel, from the Lakota Tradition: the Indigenous People of the 4 Directions and also the Hopi Prophecy, about the People coming together to share the Wisdom of the 4 Directions. When we are able to come together as One, we will know Truth. Another way of saying this is that we will be Maat.

Join Us Monday June 21st at around 5:14 or 5:30 am at the Point for the Summer Solstice Spiral Dance Medicine Wheel Offering. Bring your sound healing and musical instruments and let’s see what we can create together As One. You can bring an offering to add to the fire that symbolizes that which no longer serves you; that which is out of alignment with Truth, what is called An Maat,

If you would like to support this great work, you may send donations to or cashapp: $AmetElMaat. Some people have asked about the Handrawn Chart, and they are now available for purchase by request.

This Offering solely reflects the vision of the Artist, and not the views of Sema Institute or Shetaut Neter Preceptors.

Hotep. Ase. AHO. . Namaste. Peace.
Music Credit: “Frybread Dub”@tchiyaamet

summersolstice #medicinewheel #spiraldance #fourdirections #indigenouspeoples #soundhealing

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