Summer Portal Opening Season

A Portal for Change, Transformation, reaching beyond limitations, enhanced communications has opened. We view Rx as portal openings and positive movement. Oftentimes, viewed as frightening yet always results in goodness….

Here is a transmission of Cosmic Chimes and Chanting. The Hekau is a list of terms from Medu Neter for Portal Openings and Gateways of alight. Here is translation:

The remedy for Time and Space
Portal Opening for Enlightenment, Great Awakenings
Neter-t page 371b Tai-t page 819a
TWO PORTALS OF HEAVEN Khens, Khens {ui} page 552b
Aten page 99a
Unin page 167a
Hetgat Door Opening 521b
S-Seni to make open page 697a Sesen-t 697a
Set-t. opening, break, breach page 713b Qahau-t an opening for Light page 764b

Neter-t Aten Tai-t Unin Neter-t Hetgat Tai-t S-Seni Neter-t Sesen-t Tai-t Set-t Khensui Qahau-t

I make this offering during intense moments of Portal Openings. Mercury has gone fully Rx today May 29, and will remain open until Summer Solstice.

This celestial event is already providing me with opportunities to respond instead of react, to continue to Trust even though I have no idea as to what is happening!

Anyway, the intention is that this transmission will empower us to allow things to unfold as opposed to forcing our egoistic notions of the way we want things to be.

For more info, visit
If you would like to receive a personalized Cosmic Chines & Chanting Session attuned to your birthdate, HeruScopes Chart and Analysis, just drop me a line at


#astrology #heruscopes #Kemetic #retrograde #mercury #djehuty

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