[su_heading size=”37″ align=”left” margin=”30″]Planetary Alignment Winter 2016/su_heading]
Good Rising Great Awakenings! UBEN NEFER NEHAST! Welcome to the HeruScopes Analysis of the current Planetary Alignment Winter 2016. I wanted to get this to you sooner, but there have been many obstacles and delays. This has become standard whenever there is something important to be done, published or shared. Also, there was the issue of the Open Portal of Djehuty, i.e., MERCURY RETROGRADE! I have learned that it is best to wait, to not force anything. Best to flow with NATURAL time instead of man-made time anyway. This portal closed on January 25, 2016. I was already to go, but, then….well, let’s see what the report has to say about all of this!
Here is the chart from January 27, 2016. My daughter’s 26th birthday. The alignment began on January 20, and ends on February 20, 2016 also including LLuvia’s birth chart for comparison
The alignment that occurred the moment that I gave birth to Lluvia Rosa Vela is unimaginable. This could explain her life vibration! Simply amazing ! Solid yet Expansive. Yes, that IS Via Rosa! LOL!!
Here are a few resources to help you locate the alignment. It has been raining so much here, I have yet to see it, but let me tell you, I AM FEELING IT!!! To actually view, might be too overpowering for me! I have been able to see Jupiter and the Moon (Amun and Sesheta; also, Djehuty is associated with Full Moon at HeruScopes)
Break free from siege of the planets, instead propitiate them to channelize their energies to fulfill your grand plans for future.
— AstroVed (@AstroVed) January 29, 2016
From EarthSky
A great planet drama takes place in the predawn sky in January, 2016. The planet Mercury will become visible before sunrise starting around January 20, to showcase all five visible planets in the same sky together for the first time since January, 2005. Find out more at our post: See all five bright planets simultaneously!You can catch most of these planets long before dawn. Jupiter rises first, in the evening hours, followed by Mars after midnight and then Saturn, Venus and Mercury. Click here for recommended almanacs that will help you find when each planet rises into your sky for any given date.
Now for the HeruScopes Analysis.
Before I continue, if you would like to read my personal account, you will find that here: Planetary Alignment Part 2
Sesheta (Moon) Aspolia (Virgo)
Planting the Seeds for the UPLEVEL in our character and personality. Cannot change the world around us, but we CAN change the way we look at the world, or even deeper, the way the world sees US! Stop debilitating habits, stop vocalizing negativity. Stop listening to the voice that seeks to destroy you, that nagging inner voice that wants you to respond from a place of fear, even when there is nothing to fear. Building a better way to respond to situations.
PiCheus, Amun (Jupiter) still in Sekhmet (Leo)
Pi-Cheus : Jupiter; Guru; associated with Amun, Siva; Thursday A beneficial influence, peacemaker; Witnessing Consciousness, governance of emotions, optimism, good fortune, faith, philosophy, hope, vision, expansion, travel, abundance, plenty. It defines the home, family, and children.
Wisdom and Knowledge of a Warrior Healer. Expansion of consciousness, maybe astral travel.Expanding beyond limitations that were put in place by your own mind. Co-Creating Good Fortune for self and others, with the Divine.
Set (Mars) Maat (Libra)
Finding the balance between serving the Divine, and self protection, self preservation. The balance between Set (Ego) and Heru (Redeemed Soul). The Direction of life force energy is in the direction of BEING Peace, Upholding Maat, Standing for Justice, Speaking the Truth, Abiding Happiness, Nehast (Enlightenment)
Rephan (Saturn) Imhotep (Ophiuchus)
Moving past boundaries that limit our approach, our path to wellness and good health. Breaking down barriers in our way, on our journey back to health. Also establishing and maintaining boundaries to promote healing and wellness in our relationships, and our habits, to protect us from danger.
HetHeru (Venus) PiMaere (Sagittarius)
Traveling along the Beauty Path, seeing Beauty in all things, seeing the Gift in Every adversity. Love and Appreciation for Beauty of Life is the Foundation. Limitless wealth and abundance are available to you, just in the act of appreciating your unique Beauty Path. Beauty is Inspiration and Strength
Djehuty (Mercury) PiMaere (Sagittarius)
Communicating Wisdom.Speaking Truth. Knowledge of the Journey. Expansive Communications. Speaking with authority, with no fear. Leadership. Answering Higher Calling. #EndTheSilence End The Violence!
Ra (Sun) (Capricorn)
Your Creativity is Climbing New Heights, Striving to Reach the Goal, the View from Mountain Top. Detachment, Not Attached to Outcome.
Chiron, Sedna, NebtHet (Neptune), Asar (Pluto) Have not changed much or at all. Heru (Uranus) is no longer Retrograde. Read previous posts for more info…
January 27 Olmec Calendar
January 28
HeruScopes Reading/Analysis.
My personal comments are located here
It’s Personal: Winter 2016 Planetary Alignment Part 2
This alignment is all about things falling into place, finding pieces to the puzzle that is the Mystery of your Life. This is about the Natural Order of Nature Manifesting Herself. This alignment is about the Restoration of Maat. OM MAAT GEB. These cosmic forces have aligned themselves on such a way to give each one of us the power to face our history, and deal with the Trauma. Both Individually, and as members of The Human Family. HeruScopes allows you to see yourself as the Hero of your own Myth, Which is Your Life. Nuk Pu Heru. I am Heru.
To keep doing the same thing and expecting different results is insanity. Humans, our approach to activism needs an upgrade. We must recognize our own authority, observe our own standards, not replicate the ways of our oppressor. The Time is NOW to take a stand on an issue of the heart: Legal Murder of Black People by police, #RapeCulture and the worship of rapists by a sick society, environmental racism in Flint, GMO’s, The Medical Industry. One facet of imbalance in modern life, and take a stand. If you have been thinking about an isue for awhile now, and still only thinking about it, time to change that habit, and become the person you were born to become, Time to evolve, time to allow the ascension of your own life to begin. Use your creativity, your speech, to break down barriers to Maat.
The healing process that is needed is not yet known to you. It cannot come from the very source of the sickness, the dis-ease. remain open to something unanticipated, unexpected. The healing will come to you in a way you never dreamed of before. See the Gift in the Adversity, the Beauty in the Struggle.
Embrace what is being manifest before your eyes, do not resist the New Day.
Giving thanks for this opportunity for Cosmic Alignment and Expansion.
Hotep, Tchiya Amet El Maat
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