June New Moon & Solar Eclipse 2021

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 Grand Rising Great Awakenings. Welcome to the June New Moon. This New Moon is extra special because it accompanies a Partial Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse, Portal Opening Season (Retrograde Season), and the Summer Solstice. A Retrograde Season occurs when there are than one planet is in Retrograde. or Rx as it is symbolized, at the same time. Retrograde is often seen as a negative thing, however at HeruScopes, it is viewed as a Portal Opening: a time for intense expansion, growth, and experiences that lead to significant breakthroughs in clarity and understanding. Here mis the link for the Current Retrograde Season: Summer Portal Opening Season. For more information, visit New Strategy for Mercury Rx.  After that, simply search this website for many more articles on Retrograde and Portal Openings.New Moon occurs on June 10, 2021 at 4:53AM central time.  

The New Moon will appear as a Crescent Moon at 4:42AM cdt, marking the beginning of the Eclipse. The Eclipse ends at 5:29AM cdt. For more info on Eclipses, visit Light Being Wellness Eclipse News and  for this eclipse visit Space.com. This is going to be a RING OF FIRE Eclipse. 

Earliest Sunrise of the year: June 13 at 4:42:11AM central 

 Summer Solstice June 20, 2021 10:32AM cdt

Mercury goes Direct June 22

Next Full Moon: June 24, 2021 Strawberry Moon. in Sidereal Sagittarius.

PLEASE NOTE: Even if you missed the event on June 10, the effects will be felt long after. You can even look back and recall what was going on during this Rx Eclipse Solstice Season and reflect on how these alignments appeared in your life…



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At HeruScopes, we connect the Neteru, the Kemetic gods and goddesses, the Cosmic Forces of Nature. with the planetary forces and constellations. At KemeTones, we make offerings of Tones and Chants for the Neteru that align with the HeruScopes Analysis. 



Here are the correspondences for this New Moon Event….
New Moon: Sesheta, goddess of writing
Sedna as Sedna (Inuit/Eskimo Tradition): trauma, assault and domestic violence
Northern Node: wisdom from where we have been
Sun: Ra, Creative Force
Mercury Rx: Djehuty Cosmic Mind and Divine Intelligence
These are all conjunct in Sidereal Taurus: Apis, ruled by Venus/goddess Hetheru, the goddess of Love, Beauty, and the Serpent Power


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Another fascinating alignment is taking place in Sidereal Gemini, PiMahi, ruled by Mercury, Djehuty: Mars/Set and Venus/Hetheru. 
For more information, download the HeruScopes Handbook and Resource eGuide.


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The Ring of Fire (Eclipse) during a Portal Opening Mercury Rx in Sidereal Taurus, plus 2 others) with these planetary alignments, signifies an opportunity for learning about our Highest Selves through our creative writing efforts, as we direct our attention towards the Healing our relationship with the Earth, appreciating the abundance that is Life. May the products of our Creative Efforts remind us of our Divinity and our Capacity to Heal ourselves and others from the traumas and hurts of the past. May we connect with the Sekhem, Life Force Energy that is Hetheru: purifying and lightening the heaviness in our hearts, by remaining in tune with the Cosmic Mind.

 This video includes an Offering to Anpu, the Opener of the Ways. 

Dua Sesheta, Adorations to the Goddess of Astrology and other Lower Mysteries.


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 In this video, you will experience a Global Prayer/Attunement/Offering in alignment with HeruScopes Celestial Analysis for the New Moon in June. A Cosmic Chimes and Chanting Transmission from KemeTones. This Offering is channeled in the moment by the Artist, and reflects her views and meditations. The artist is sharing what she has learned from her studies at Kemet University, and combines her wisdom with musical expression and experience of decades of research in Galactic and Cultural Astronomy, Sidereal Astrology, Sound Healing, and Music.  This Offering does not reflect the views or opinions of Sema Institute or Shetaut Neter Preceptors. 



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Here is a linkl to a viewing of the ecliose from Lake. ichigan in Chicago




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