Hapi Fall Moon Equinox New Sirius Rising 2014 to YOU!

Good Rising. Great Alignmetnt and awakening!


That greeting is NOT a typo!

For general basic Equinox Information, please visit EQUINOX page at tchiya.com

Sirius Rising is ongoing until she culminates on December 31.

here is great Equinox Song with info about the Equinox!

This year, I have come across something different: I first learned about this when I was visiting Machu Pichu in 2007, and one of the guides explained this very thing to me. So perhaps with the wisdom of the 13 month system comes another great truth to break down illusion and romantic notions….However, we DO feel the season change, and we DO know that Fall is here. We DO feel the alignment.

“Day and night are not exactly of equal length at the time of the March and September equinoxes. The dates on which day and night are each 12 hours occur a few days before and after the equinoxes. The specific dates of this occurrence are different for different latitudes.


For observers within a couple of degrees of the equator, the period from sunrise to sunset is always several minutes longer than the night. At higher latitudes in the northern hemisphere, the date of equal day and night occurs before the March equinox. Daytime continues to be longer than nighttime until after the September equinox.


In the southern hemisphere, the dates of equal day and night occur before the September equinox and after the March equinox.


In the northern hemisphere, at latitude 5 degrees the dates of equal day and night occur about February 25 and October 15; at latitude 40 degrees they occur about March 17 and September 26.


On the dates of the equinoxes, the day is about 7 minutes longer than the night at latitudes up to about 25 degrees, increasing to 10 minutes or more at latitude 50 degrees.”



and from another source, https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/equinox-not-equal.html


More than 12 hours of sunlight

On these two days, the geometric center of the sun is above the horizon for 12 hours, and one might think this would indicate that the length of the day (hours of daylight) would be the same.

However, ‘sunrise’ is defined as the instant when the upper edge of the sun’s disk becomes visible above the horizon – not when the center of the sun is visible. In the same sense, ‘sunset’ refers to the moment the upper edge disappears below the horizon. At both instances, the center of the sun is below the horizon, and therefore the equinox day lasts a little longer than 12 hours.

Atmosphere causes optical illusion

Another reason why the Sun is visible longer than 12 hours on an equinox is that the Earth’s atmosphere refracts sunlight.

Refraction causes the Sun’s upper edge to be visible from Earth several minutes before the edge actually reaches the horizon. In the evening, we can see the sun for several minutes after it has actually dipped under the horizon. This causes every day on Earth – including the days of the equinoxes – to appear at least 6 minutes longer than it actually is.

The extent of refraction depends on atmospheric pressure and temperature. Our calculations in theSunrise and Sunset Calculator assumes the standard atmospheric pressure of 101.325 kilopascal and temperature of 15°C or 59°F.

Approximate date of “Equal Day & Night”
Latitude          March     September
60° North Mar 18 Sep 25
55° North Mar 17 Sep 25
50° North Mar 17 Sep 25
45° North Mar 17 Sep 25
40° North Mar 17 Sep 26
35° North Mar 16 Sep 26
30° North Mar 16 Sep 27
25° North Mar 15 Sep 27
20° North Mar 14 Sep 28
15° North Mar 12 Sep 30
10° North Mar 8 Oct 4
5° North Feb 24 Oct 17
Equator No equal day and night
5° South Apr 14 Aug 29
10° South Apr 1 Sep 10
15° South Mar 28 Sep 14
20° South Mar 26 Sep 16
25° South Mar 25 Sep 17
30° South Mar 24 Sep 18
35° South Mar 24 Sep 19
40° South Mar 23 Sep 19
45° South Mar 23 Sep 19
50° South Mar 23 Sep 20
55° South Mar 23 Sep 20
60° South Mar 22 Sep 20


Latitude determines length of the day



All the means to me is that the Equinox is an entire Season, not just an event. Things DO line up, but the dates and times are different for each location, just as it is with Sirius Rising. It is not just a moment in time, but a season.

This page is specifically devoted to the Celestial Event going on in 2014.  Starting with the Equinox at 7:30 pm today and lasting for 3 days, ending on. However, now I know that the season lasts until mid October.
This article will cover ways to observe times such as this.

There is plenty of talk going on about the new Moon in Libra. However, Sidereally, we are in the moment known as Aspolia (Virgo).

visit the Sidereal Astrology, Ophiuchus page at tchiya.com for more information

HeruScopes © Handbook and Resource Guide, This system utilizes a 13 month Sidereal system based in Kemet, including Vedic (HIndu, East Indian) and Olmec (Quiche Mayan) Astrology systems as well.

In the Western System, the time of the Equinox occurs when the Sun is in Maat/Libra. In this Kemetic Sidereal system, HeruScopes, the time of alignment and purification falls during the season of Aspolia/Virgo. Which in fact IS the time for order and purification, planting and harvesting! Now is the time to bring ORDER into our lives, through purification, release, shedding old skin, shedding illusion. Letting go of what no longer serves us, letting go of that which causes distractions suffering or pain. This makes way for the Balance of Maat. With attention to detail, creativity, and nurturing, we can grow a beautiful garden that is our life. Now is thew time to PLANT your intentions. To acknowledge the beauty that exists in all of life, and especially in our own life. In fact, the month of Aspolia/Virgo is the longest month, it lasts around 45 days. In this system, The Fall Equinox IS the month of Aspolia. Not just for the season, or year, but for your life.


from astrology13.com

It is  not necessary to equate the date of the entry of the sun in Libra to be able to draw some conclusions about our personal life and psychology in general. The sun is lying in Virgo when passing this important point in the sky and it gives harmony, balance and courage to the people and most importantly it gives willingness to cope with difficulties and responsibilities of the new cycle of life. At this time we feel a strong desire to connect with other people to learn and maybe help in turn our family and our friends. The nights are getting longer in the northern hemisphere which helps more contemplation and thinking about our future.

Happy Autumnal Equinox!


Today, we are also blessed to have Asar/Pluto return to direct again. Has been retrograde since April 2014! Asar symbolizes huge transformation and rebirthing. from Lyn Dalebout, 


This can manifest as sea-change turning points in terms of all themes Plutonian ~ uses/abuses of power, biological concerns, life and death transformations, recycling, cataclysmic events.  You get the picture.  The old is dying and the inevitable new vitality of the future is being born. But not without a struggle. And a whole lot of courage.
Star Signposts


Ways to observe this season, ways to become one with the Universe through the Natural Alignment and Order of Maat:

1. make a list of your intentions for the coming week, month, year, 5 years, and 10 years. even for the rest of your life. Put it away and revisit next year!

2. New Moon Abundance Checks.

3. Fasting or Cleansing.

4.You have heard of Spring Cleaning? Well, you can also do some Fall Cleaning. Fasting yes, and also cleaning out your living space. Clearing out clutter from mind, body, spirit. Clear away brush in the yard and have a bonfire.

5. write a list of things you want to let go of and burn it in the bonfire tonight.


7. Harvest celebration, with delicious foods from your garden.

7a. INNER Harvest! Give thanks and acknowledgement for all of the achievements and accomplishments from the previous year.  Remember how you have gracefully faced adversity and overcome many challenges.

8. Forgiveness: make a list of all those that you feel have hurt you or wronged you in some way. Burn the list in the fire. Clear out your heart and make room for new relationships.

9. Anything that you have been talking about doing for years, DO IT! Like Yoga practice or mediation practice, or getting more exercise. I am going to start chanting and voicing affirmations while I am dancing or running. I am becoming more consistent and insistent about putting myself first. I am number one in my life. Thanks Tim! (He is my coach)

10. Most Indigenous cultures have a way to bring in the Fall. If you don’t know your own  history or your culture, NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARN! Or at least to develop your very own way. “A People without the knowledge of their history or culture is like a tree without roots.” Marcus Miosiah Garvey. It cannot live without roots, and neither can YOU!

11. Get in line with the Cosmic Time: Planetary Hora Watch. Learn to plan daily activities in alignment with the Cosmos

12. Living, Eating and Juicing with the Cosmic Forces of the Universe. 

13, Honor your Ancestors. Here is an ancestral prayer that i enjoy, or you can make your own.Oath to the Ancestors.

14. If you do not already have one, start now: create an altar, begin with one for yourself, one for the ancestors, and then you can just go from there…..

15. APPLE SEASON! Apples are in season now, so go apple crazy! FRESH Apple juice and hot spicy apple cider are my personal favorites. Then there is apple pie, apple fritters, apple cake, apple pancakes. Apple slices and almond butter….

Well, there are many other ways, but this will get you started. remember to read up on what the equinox is about here at  the Equinox page at tchiya.com


Here is what is ahead for us on Tuesday and Wednesday from star signposts:

Tues Sept 23
On the last day of a lunar cycle ~ today ~ you can go one of two ways.  You may be very tired and just want to rest and reflect, or you may find yourself in a flurry of finishing up many tasks. If you are up at the literal crack of dawn, you can see the barest sliver of a waning Moon exactly conjunct Venus, both in sidereal Leo, a beautiful conjunction to behold. Make a wish upon these planets as you bask in their magic, that what you need and what you want find union within your being, for that is the cosmic meaning and manifestation of this alignment.

Wed Sept 24
What a potent New Moon arrives today,  hatching in the early morning hours. The birth of this SolLunar cycle takes place in sidereal Virgo, closely aligned with the star of Zaniah, which speaks of finding the pure Source of everything, our world, the purity of your soul essence, that one deep longing that forever resides and guides you throughout your life. Normally on the first day of a New Moon cycle, the wisdom would be to get your bearings, make no plans, all is new, don’t make a move yet. But not today. This New Moon makes an immediate sextile to passionate, and very driven Mars in Scorpio. Whatever you are feeling strongly about, you will want to find a way to make it happen. In addition, Pallas Athene ~ ruler of our creative intelligence, goddess of wisdom and strategy ~ crosses the North Node ~ your future destiny.  New alliances are launched, and your bright ideas and life plans move suddenly forward.



Hapi Alignment to You!

Maat Hetepu. May the Peace of Maat Be upon You.

Tchiya Amet El Maat



  • Sharifah Ihsan-Wilson,
    Posted September 24, 2014 7:56 pm

    Awesome information ALWAYS! Thank you Beloved Tchiya for the continued truth, enlightenment, education, beauty and inspiration that you share with the universe. Ashe’ & Amen-RA!!!!! Sharifah

    • tchiya,
      Posted September 29, 2014 12:57 am

      Thank you dear Sistar! Please share what has been shared with you with your loved one. Dua. Hotep! T

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