eyes 2 die 4: Day #24 of the 40 Day FREE MY MUSIC Give Away
Good Rising! Welcome to day #24!
I have not written that many love songs. I had so much to learn about love, mostly about Self Love. I wrote this song back when my marriage of 19.5 years began to actually crumble. It was so difficult, because I know we still had/have love for one another. However due to my decades of undiagnosed PTSD, see Blue Lotus Speaks blog, living with someone in this state of consciousness eventually grows unbearable. Unfortunately,, once the healing process began, and I gradually came into the knowledge of my true self, as I began the journey towards self realization, sovereignty, and enlightenment, as the Higher Calling grew louder and louder, and my desire to serve the Most High with my music and sound healing practice became more and more imperative, as I began to move about more like a priestess, began to live more like a Goddess, growing closer to the Divine, it was obvious that we could not continue living as husband and wife. I could no longer be controlled, never really enjoyed being dominated either. Although I was pretty good at it.
It is sad when the Love of Self and Love for the Divine is what tears relationships apart, but that is what happens sometimes…
As for the instrumentation, piano and percussion. I suppose this would be classifies as Salsa. garageband and Piano is out of tune, just like it was at our early home together, on 43rd street in Hyde Park in Austin, TX!!!

Monoah and LLuvia Vela
Well, that is it in a nutshell. PEACE. and so much LOVE and GRATITUDE!!
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