Good Rising and Great Awakenings!
On this page you will find everything you need & want to know about this Level 1 Acutonics © Class.
Next Offering: May 3-5, 2014 at the Healing Earth Temple 189 Collum Street NW In Atlanta, GA 30314

Why You Should Take the Class NOW? WHY NOW???
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Class Description This is the first time this class has been offered from Kemetic perspective! At least in modern times anyway….
This workshop introduces the Acutonics Healing System and is open to anyone interested in studying Acutonics.
Participants explore the philosophy, cosmology, and scientific and mystical roots of Acutonics. The workshop focuses on the cross-cultural uses of sound, concepts of the human body as sound resonator, energy meridians and points as pathways for sound, concepts of the world harmonies, cellular memory, sound imprinting, and reformatting. It offers fresh new insights into pre-meridian energy networks.
Students learn how to apply Acutonics precision calibrated tuning forks, using sound intervals that are based on the orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. A wide variety of physical, psychological, and spiritual conditions are treated through the use of the extraordinary vessels, microcosmic orbit, windows to the sky, and selected points with transformational overtones.
Participants experience the art of listening, cellular re-entraining, attuning, and their combined role in biological reharmonization. Students learn to work with the Acutonics Earth Moon Set and the Acutonics Solar 7th Set.
Required for practitioner certification
Prerequisites: None
Cost: Acutonics Level 1: $500
Early Registration Discount: $450 if paid in full by early registration deadline! Call today!
Tools not included.
Class Registration and Tools There is a discount if you pay or make deposit two weeks before class date. It is not necessary to have tools prior to class. If you decide to order tools for class, keep it mind it takes around 15 days. You can contact me at or 7079726831 when you are ready to buy the tools.
Sign Up for a Cosmic Navigation Strategy Session so we can discuss your Cosmic Sound Healing Experience and I can answer any questions you have about the class…
For more information, visit, or call Tchiya at 7079726831 and 7079836303.
from the Kairos Institute…..
“What we need today, everywhere, is the experience of divinity and spirituality. The experience of God should not be limited to the few–because if offers humanity and the planet its greatest signs of hope–spiritual awakening is imperative to usher in a new era for consciousness and some hope for planetary healing. Guidance can still be found in the traditional wisdom of humanity, not in science or technology, not just in the head anymore. The great poet Rilke said early in this century, “The work of the eyes are finished, go now and do heart work.”
“And that work of the heart, that spiritually, will involve an entry into mysticism, the experience in earth spirituality, a reappreciation for our own bodies and for the whole Earth body-recovering the holiness of matter, the sacredness of matter, the new cosmic story, the new cosmology. That spirituality will also include instructing one another in ecological virtues, those habits that allow us to walk lightly on this planet and pass it on, with beauty well cherished, to the next generation and those that will follow them. And the spirituality will not involve only educating us to become mystics, but to become prophets as well. The prophet is the mystic in action. The test of authentic spirituality is not levitating, it is justice
making; it is healing, it is celebrating, and it is compassion. Unless we change our hearts, we will not be affecting our species. Ghandi demonstrated this- that spirituality can transform society because it can absorb wrong patterns of responding and thinking and recycle them.”
“So we are not just learning a methodology of sound and healing based on the wisdom traditions of world harmony of East and West, we are learning to become the harmonious instruments that the divine works through compassionate agents of change: we are learning to attune ourselves to the heavens and Earth and to embed ourselves in the great fabric as if we were never severed from it.” Acutonics® I: Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics
Dialogue © 2002-2013, Kairos Institute of Sound Healing, LLC
• All rights reserved.
Love and Light, Tchiya El Maat
Cosmic Sound Healer
Charlotte Atlanta
Class Description
Class Registration and Tools
Sign Up for a Cosmic Navigation Strategy Session so we can discuss your Cosmic Sound Healing Experience and I can answer any questions you have about the class…
For more information, visit, or call Tchiya at 7079726831 and 7079836303.
from the Kairos Institute…..
“What we need today, everywhere, is the experience of divinity and spirituality. The experience of God should not be limited to the few–because if offers humanity and the planet its greatest signs of hope–spiritual awakening is imperative to usher in a new era for consciousness and some hope for planetary healing. Guidance can still be found in the traditional wisdom of humanity, not in science or technology, not just in the head anymore. The great poet Rilke said early in this century, “The work of the eyes are finished, go now and do heart work.”
“And that work of the heart, that spiritually, will involve an entry into mysticism, the experience in earth spirituality, a reappreciation for our own bodies and for the whole Earth body-recovering the holiness of matter, the sacredness of matter, the new cosmic story, the new cosmology. That spirituality will also include instructing one another in ecological virtues, those habits that allow us to walk lightly on this planet and pass it on, with beauty well cherished, to the next generation and those that will follow them. And the spirituality will not involve only educating us to become mystics, but to become prophets as well. The prophet is the mystic in action. The test of authentic spirituality is not levitating, it is justice
making; it is healing, it is celebrating, and it is compassion. Unless we change our hearts, we will not be affecting our species. Ghandi demonstrated this- that spirituality can transform society because it can absorb wrong patterns of responding and thinking and recycle them.”
“So we are not just learning a methodology of sound and healing based on the wisdom traditions of world harmony of East and West, we are learning to become the harmonious instruments that the divine works through compassionate agents of change: we are learning to attune ourselves to the heavens and Earth and to embed ourselves in the great fabric as if we were never severed from it.”
Acutonics® I: Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics
Dialogue © 2002-2013, Kairos Institute of Sound Healing, LLC
• All rights reserved. • May not be reproduced
Clock on Images for viewing Flyer or for reproducing flyer…
Love and Light, Tchiya El Maat
Cosmic Sound Healer
Priyanka Singh,
Healing Sound can help us in shift from the state of anger, tiredness and depression to calm, reenergized and happier state. Every part of body vibrates at its own frequency, if the system of subtle energy gets blocked in the body then the person starts feeling unhealthy, out of emotional or physical balance. In Healtone’s Sound therapy music and various other tools are used to heal the unhealthy sound patterns of the person. Sound Healing therapy moves the patient closer to health, harmony and state of balance.
Thank you Priyanka. I have placed my order experience this treatment. Peace
sound therapy,
Healing sounds are the most effective, affordable and easy alternative to release pain and perilous diseases. Sound therapy helps people to regain the peace of mind and relaxes the nerves. This is a natural process which has no side effects.
I am looking forward to experiencing the benefits of the healtone system. And will let you know of my findings. Thank you for your comments. Peace
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