Bleeding Heart Moon at HeruScopes© April 2015

Bleeding Heart Moon at BLOOD MOON AT HERUSCOPES© APRIL 4, 2015 According to, due to the fact that this will be the shortest total lunar eclipse of the century, lasting only 4 minutes 31 seconds, this eclipse will not be very bloody at all, the characteristic copper color caused by totality. For technical details of this event, visit…

Super Moon, Super Spring Equinox Eclipse is UPON US!

  SUPER MOON, SUPER SPRING EQUINOX ECLIPSE IS UPON US! Yes, Indeed, it is now 1 am pdt, and I am starting this message, The Eclipse has begun. At least somewhere in the world, it can be seen and experienced on the physical level. Mostly over the Atlantic Ocean! Here on Turtle Island, it is only felt spiritually and internally.…

KemeTones©: Jamaica 2017 Class Info Kit

Good Rising! Welcome to The Fullness of Sesheta: THE POWER OF THE WAXING FULL MOON KEMETONES©: JAMAICA 2017: January 8-16 KEMETONES: Cosmic Sound Healing Level 1 Certification ACUTONICS © LEVEL1: SOUND GATES TO MERIDIAN HARMONICS FULL MOON: JANUARY 12, PLUS FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!! then,  SOUND HEALING BOOTH AT REBEL SALUTE FESTIVAL!!!   The location for the 2017 class is a…
