Winter Solstice 2015 is tonight December 21 at around 10:48. pm cst. This represents the longest night of the year, when the Sun appears to stop along its journey, stays in one spot for three days, then begins to ravel in the opposite direction. it is like a RESET button, a Grand and Majestic Alignment. Tonight, on the Winter…
ANCESTRAL HEALING: Ra Djehuty Rephan Ip/ Sun Mercury and Saturn in Sidereal Scorpio HeruScopes for The Second Day of Ip, November 24, 2015 This is usually a very difficult week for me, as three painful events for my Clan happen this week in history. November 23, first Day of Ip, My Mother, Jane Ann JOhnson Hambric died in 2010.…
Ra Rephan Ip: Sun and Saturn in Sidereal Scorpio; REMEMBERING OUR ANCESTORS HeruScopes for The Second Day of Ip, November 24, 2015 This is usually a very difficult week for me, as three painful events for my Clan happen this week in history. November 23, first Day of Ip, My Mother, Jane Ann JOhnson Hambric died in 2010. Then…
Feather of Maat is Here to Purify Our Lives: Sun in Sidereal Libra Day 3. Uben Nefer. Nehast. Good Rising and Great Awakenings. Welcome to the HeruScopes Forecast for November 1, 2015 I am sure that many of you believe that we are now in the last few days in the sign of Libra, with the Sun on the…
Hall of Maat This Hall of Maat is an Online Offering of My Devotion to the Goddess Maat. This Hall was constructed on November 2, the Second Day of the Ancestors, the Third Day of Maat in the Year 2015. Your presence here means that you are ready to have your heart touched by the Feather of Maat. Feel the…
Dagger in the Heart of the Mother Lioness: Leo Conjunction of Venus, Mars & Jupiter October 23-November 6 HeruScopes© report on HETHERU, SET, AND AMUN IN SEKHMET On Friday, October 23, I was awakened by a horrible sadness. Now I have had my bouts of depression before, but this was something different. It came, as if from nowhere. I tried…
New Moon is ABUNDANCE at! Welcome to the Page of the New Moon at Here are all of the tools in my mystical collection of manifestation Not in any particular order of importance, just as they are flowing through me from the Goddess…. New Moon Meditation Music from Llewllyn The Goddess of the Moon at HeruScopes is Sesheta.…
New Moon is ABUNDANCE at! Welcome to the Page of the New Moon at Here are all of the tools in my mystical collection of manifestation Not in any particular order of importance, just as they are flowing through me from the Goddess…. New Moon Meditation Music from Llewllyn The Goddess of the Moon at HeruScopes is Sesheta.…
Comet did not crash into the Earth, however, This Comet CRASHED Into My Life. There was much talk and speculation about this comet hitting the Earth right around the time of Jade Helm, and the Blood Red Moon. Now that the quiet New Moon is slowly dancing her way into my life, I have a moment to stop and reflect…