Good Rising and Great Awakenings.
January 18, 2015
The journey home from yet another fabulous Shetaut Neter Temple of Aset Temple of Heru WINTER SOLSTICE CONFERENCE, RETREAT AND FESTIVAL, was almost as powerful as the retreat itself. In fact, the experience is ongoing…….
Wanted to take a moment to share some of the profound healing and reflections that have recently illuminated my life. These are thoughts and realizations that are allowing me to move forward faster than ever.
1. I was deeply moved by the hekau Nuk Pu Nuk Asar Asar: I am That I am Asar, Asar. The Teachings tell us to see ourselves as Asar, and to identify with his experiences and transformation. I began to see, and to feel, how each one of us is in fact Asar, that each one of us has been “cut up into pieces” by our relatives, society, oppression, etc. And that it is the loving wisdom and compassion of the Divine Mother that heals and puts us back together makes us whole,. In this instant, I was able to feel forgiveness and compassion for myself, and for all those that were involved in my encounters with violation of any kind.
Violence and unrighteousness occur where there is ignorance of the Divine. Cannot blame someone for being ignorant because society is designed to perpetuate ignorance. However, it behooves us to speak out against ignorance, unrighteousness, violence, assault, abuse, etc, and to stand up and seek Justice. This is Living For Maat.
2. Next I realized that when I feel doubt, fear, guilt, shame, etc. that is my Ego, that is Set. That anytime I believe that it is my own actions, thoughts, desires etc that alone cause a situation or person’s negativity into my space, that is my ego. Sometimes, I am being used by the Divine as a mirror. Sometimes, I am just in a place to serve as a witness. But no longer do I have to accept that I am “attracting things” just because I am shining light on certain issues. For instance, when people say the reason for the assault in August is because I started speaking out against rape in June, in honor of Tchiya Amet Day. Or because I finally spoke publicly about being raped by Neil deGrasse Tyson when I was a grad student at UT Austin in the 80’s.This is ludicrous!!! What I learned is that darkness is attracted to light, but that is no reason for light to stop shining. That is all the more reason to shine even more brightly! For awhile, I was trying to hide my light, to hide my truth. To hide from my Truth. But no more, thanks to a creep and a man that did nothing in August 2014, the end of my Chiron Return, I am determined to shine even more brightly than ever, to continue to speak up and sing out. Committed to End the Silence, End the Violence.
3. The third and probably most crucial realization follows:
Every single instance of trauma that I experienced happened at a time, place, or situation or relationship where I had received a “red flag” or intuitional hit that I should not be there, or not a good thing for me, but I ignored the message. Either I loved the person, place, thing, institution, message, ideal or potential, and was determined that I could endure no matter what.

So, my intuition says, “Warning! Danger! Exit Stage Left Immediately!!” and I say things like,”Oh, it will be over soon. I don’t want to inconvenience them”, or “Well, they came all this way. It will be alright just this once”, “He will change and I can help”. “It’s not exactly what I am looking for, but she seems nice “, etc. The Universe does the only thing it can do, and I unconsciously help, because I KNOW it is not right for me: CREATE TRAUMA SO THAT IT WILL END, I HAVE TO END IT, OR SOMETHING TO THAT EFFECT. Yes, each and every trauma that I have encountered is because of something like this. Ignoring My Divine Intelligence, My Inner Guidance, My Intuition. I forget My Self and listen to Set, the toxic ego.

It is NOT about eliminating the Ego, or controlling Set, etc. It IS about PURIFYING the Ego, purification of Set, SUBLIMATING the Ego, so that the Ego serves you, rather than you serving the Ego,
The Correct Maatian Action for me to take is to continue to speak out and to help others to do the same, thereby seeking, and seeing, Justice in my own life, allowing me to see Justice in the World. This is my true desire: To see and experience Maat restored Upon the Earth in this lifetime.

[soundcloud url=”httpss://″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Which brings me to the Empty Cabinet at the top of this page.
Speaking of Order:

When my daughters were young, we kept the Sabbath, we did major Spring Cleaning every year to be ready in time for Passover, the Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. When they moved away, I was unable to keep it up alone, especially the thorough spring cleaning in one month. So I stopped. After keeping this tradition for over 20 years, and then stopping for 10 years, I have decided to start again. There has been so much negative vibes that came in and out of my life in the years that I was NOT doing this! It is incredible to look back and reflect on what transpired during the ten years my family has been “cut into pieces”: 2005 is the year my oldest daughter, Monoah moved out, then Lluvia and I moved to Berkeley shortly after that. The rest will have to wait for the full length movie.
The most important thing is that I have decided to start again. And as you know, with HeruScopes, all the signs are off by about one month anyway, and it sure feels like the seasons are shifting, or that the magnetic poles have flipped. Therefore, instead of trying to get the entire house clean in one month, I begin with Sirius Culmination, January 1, and will see how far I can get, by myself, by the Full Moon after Spring Equinox. I began with this cabinet, taking out all of the dishes, washing the cabinet, washing all the dishes, then putting back the ones I am keeping. This will soon spread to every cabinet, every closet, every drawer, every wall, window and ceiling, every garden, until the entire house and the yards are cleansed and protected for another year. I use lavender water, rose water, sage, sea salt, incense, sound like drums and sistrum. Again, it is about restoring order, setting boundaries, and maintaining them, paying attention to red flags, and leaving Set out of it, unless ready to serve the Divine.
The Story of how my spiritual practice, journey and culture have evolved from Rasta, to Hebrew Israelite, to Black Native, and presently to Kemetic (Cosmic) Sound Healer, Yogini and Priestess is yet another chapter, and we will get to that shortly….in the meantime,
If you listen to my music, you can experience this journey for yourself…
available at
or read “When Rocks Cry Out” by Horace Butler and you will get the idea….you might even understand!
After decades of NOT observing New Year’s Eve, I have come around to the Truth of this evening, and fully embrace Sirius Culmination, a grand time to reflect on past, present and future. A Moment in Time to Fully Align with the Cosmic Order of the Universe. A time to plan ahead for the strategy and implementation of Maat Restored On Earth: BALANCE, TRUTH ORDER, HARMONY, JUSTICE, RECIPROCITY AND RIGHTEOUSNESS .
Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.
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