For more information, check out the HeruScopes © 2014 Handbook and Resource Guide. November 6, 2014 Ra Maat: According to NASA, The Sun is in Maat (Sidereal LIbra) until November 23, when it moves into Ip (Scorpio) for 7 days, then into Imhotep (Ophiuchus) on November 30. Will stay there until right before the Winter Solstice…where did you think the…
Hey, where have I been? October 12, my neighbor across the street threatened to strangle me and shoot me. Wanted to see me dead. Why? Because her small dog (with Napoleon syndrome) was not confined to it’s yard, ran out and provoked my dog, who got off her leash during a walk and they had a shouting match. No one…
Ra (Sun) in Aspolia (Sidereal Virgo) This is still a Virgo New Moon Eclipse according to NASA, and of course, HeruScopes©! Sidereal Virgo is 44 days long, so we have 2 Virgo New Moons! True Scorpio is only 7 days long, so there it is rare to have a New or Full Moon in Scorpio. Hmmm, now THAT sounds like a REAL Blue…
Today is October 8, 2014. 30 years. Today there was an eclipse, during the Ra Aspolia Pi Cot Sahu (Full Moon and Portal of Djehuty (Sun in Sidereal Virgo, Moon in PIsces, Mercury Retrograde). Kinda intense when you really sit bak and take it all in. Tomorrow, Set (Mars, Ego) has an appointment with Master healer Imhotep (Mars enters…
Good Rising and Great Awakenings! If you don’t know who, what where or when Aspolia is, or why I am talking about Djehuty during Mercury Retrograde, check out the HeruScopes © Handbook and Resource Guide, for this is where it is all laid out…. hint: VIRGO…. October 4, 2014 is the beginning of the last opening of the Portal Of…
Osiyo! Waya Equoni means Wolf River. This is my Tsalagi or Cherokee Name. My Maternal Grandfather, Bernard Henri Johnson, was called Wolf. His Mother, Eliza Jane Davis, was a full blood Cherokee woman that ended up living in Chicago . HIs Father was named Henri Jean Baptiste, son of the infamous plantation owner of same name in New Orleans, and one…
Osiyo! Welcome to the Medicine Wheel Page at What is a Medicine Wheel? National Register of Historic Place Medicine Wheel National Historic Landmark Big Horn County Read all about it The Medicine Wheel is located in the Bighorn National Forest on the western peak of Medicine Mountain at an elevation of 9642 feet in the Bighorn Range east…
Good Rising. Great Alignmetnt and awakening! That greeting is NOT a typo! For general basic Equinox Information, please visit EQUINOX page at Sirius Rising is ongoing until she culminates on December 31. here is great Equinox Song with info about the Equinox! This year, I have come across something different: I first learned about this when I was visiting Machu Pichu…
Great Balancing! This is the page of the Equinox. These lyrics were written years ago when my daughters were studying the seasons at our Home School. You might recognize the melody, that classic tune by John Coltrane. Day equals night Night equals day The World turns with a tilt Spring or Fall it’s the Equinox. Night equals day Day equals…