Haji Healing Salon

Good Rising and Great Awakenings.

Third Sunday of each month, join us at Haji Healing Salon, 4448 S. Cottage Grove in Bronzeville, Chicago, Il.
These spaces fill up fast, so book your session today.

HeruScipes is heading in a different direction: away from being limited to time and space events, and towards using the stars movements for healing, instead of just following their movements. The Featured Frequencies for August 21 will be in alignment with current Saturn Sun Opposition, which began on August 14 and will continue until October this year. We will also focus on the Pluto Return, that is assisting on the far of the Western Empire. This means that many things, institutions and relationships we hold dear may also crumble. There are 4 Portal Openings: Pluto, Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter.

Here is a quote from astrology.com
Sun Opposite Saturn Transit

Your effectiveness and your recent performance will be under the spotlight, as well as the usefulness of the life structures you have been utilizing. When the transiting sun forms an opposition with your natal Saturn, you may need to shed, temper, rebalance, or let go of elements that have become a limitation. You may also realize situations in which you need to erect stronger personal boundaries with others. In some cases, you may need to remove yourself from negative relational dynamics. If you are critiqued by an authority figure, do your best to find something constructive within the feedback to make improvements and effective modifications. This is not the time to become mired in self-doubt or insecurity. Be careful to not become overly harsh on yourself today, maintaining compassion and acceptance for yourself is important so you do not become dragged down by excessive self-criticism. It will feel natural today to evaluate your own development. It is vital to do so in a way that increases clarity and helps you make impactful changes for your future.

The Cosmic Sound Counsel Oracle Sessions will require your birth information for the HeruScopes 13 Month Kemetic Sidereal Astrology Chart and Analysis so be sure to get that information to me at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. look for SUNDAY SANCTUARY

Time to raise frequencies by letting go of energetic and emotional toxicity. LETZ GOOOOO!


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